ngx-treeview copied to clipboard
Checked parent - unchecked child doesn't behave correctly for decoupleChildFromParent = true
data structure:
itCategory = [new TreeviewItem({
text: 'IT', value: 9, checked: true, children: [
text: 'Programming', value: 91, children: [], checked: false
this.ngxTreeviewConfig = {
hasAllCheckBox: false,
hasFilter: false,
hasCollapseExpand: true,
decoupleChildFromParent: true,
maxHeight: 600
<ngx-treeview [config]="ngxTreeviewConfig" [items]="itCategory" (selectedChange)="onSelectedChange($event)"></ngx-treeview>
results in:
should result in:
I am also facing same issue. any Solution around ?
Yes, when using decoupleChildFromParent =true, any changes from parent will not reflect to children. Please change decoupleChildFromParent =false
In my case, i need to check the parent by default when there is not child selected
I have the same issue, any response?
I am upgrading to Angular 10. When completed, I will verify your issue.
Thanks a lot, ngx-trevieew is very useful
itCategory = [new TreeviewItem({
text: 'IT', value: 9, checked: true, children: [
text: 'Programming', value: 91, children: [], checked: false
Why we need parent node is checked while child nodes are unchecked? ngx-treeview will correct states of nodes before rendering. So, you will see the parent node is unchecked although you set it is checked.
as you're asking, so what is the purpose of decoupleChildFromParent
Use cases may change as per the user needs. It'd be great if you give the option to change that too. Thanks in advance.