Leo Simon

Results 19 comments of Leo Simon

@EoleDev For ex: Tables: hostgroups 1 infra 2 devops 3 dev hosts 1 server1 server1.com 2 server2 server2.com 3 server3 server3.com hosts_hostgroups(mapping 3 hosts to Infra and Devops Hostgroup) 1...

you have replied, just like that :-)

Mitch, I am not sure how that will work for us. We need this on a Physical box.

Thanks Mitch. I am new to Docker. Any details on this is appreciated. On Mon, Aug 19, 2019, 7:39 PM Mitch Brown wrote: > Actually it will. Docker runs on...

Mitch, thank you so much for these elaborate steps. I will go through and give this a try for sure. Thanks again.

Hello, Thank you for your response. Yes, the keys are working outside of AWX, which is why I came this far to get help. On Wed, 3 May, 2023, 10:38...

@fosterseth Thank you for your response. Yes, the keys are working outside of AWX, which is why I came this far to get help.

Hello, I have stopped using AWX for a while and now I need this setup in our work environment. Issue Description: Getting the below-given error message while trying to perform...