I was not able to get the board to be detected on pi4 but was able to get it detected on pi3.
Thanks, I'll try again
Thanks to both of you guys for the awesome work you do:) I like the promise idea a lot, but wonder about the $rootScope.$apply. Is there any risk of getting...
@greenaway happy to help track down the issue. I'm using this code on a phonegap app and it's working well. I would expect the $timeout to protect you...
Hi Dan, Thanks so much for the feedback. I ended up taking a risk that worked - I soldered directly to the leads on the housing that connect to the...
Hello all , I am having the same issue with a pi 4. The cameras on their own are both v2.1, they both connect directly to the PI without trouble....
Looking a little more closely at this, I see you are using the 0x3022 register to get the autofocus started, which is what the arducam ov5640 lists as the register...
Thanks so much, I will do my best. If you wouldn't mind sharing what you tried even though it didn't work that would be much appreciated. If you don't have...