struc2vec copied to clipboard
The problem about the scalability
I tried to use the struc2vec to train on 1 million nodes with 24 threads,but no embeddings was generated after three days.Is there a solution?
Have you solved the problem? I have the same need on the big graphs.
Have you tried to turn on the optimizations?
1 million nodes may be too large for struc2vec. For me. a 80 ,000 nodes graph with threads 24 hasn't generate embedding after 5 hours training. And the algorithm is O(n^2logn) , so may be will take you about 200 *5 + hours.
But I am wondering that, is there an upper bound for the number of threads we use? i.e. can the algorithm parallel well using large number of threads? Have the author test it? Thank you very much
@ShengdingHu Yes. The algorithm works with a large number of threads. However, it can consume much memory.