Leon Lan
Leon Lan
- [x] Style: I think it's a bit too much to list all the (sub-)solvers used in https://d-krupke.github.io/cpsat-primer/05_parameters.html#parallelization. The current layout makes it hard to read and it is a...
Part of #68. I don't yet know how to separate machines as resources.
- https://github.com/d-krupke/cpsat-primer - CP Optimizer parameters: https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/icos/22.1.1?topic=optimizer-parameters-cp - OR-Tools parameters: https://github.com/google/or-tools/blob/stable/ortools/sat/sat_parameters.proto - https://github.com/google/or-tools/discussions/4237 - https://or-tools.github.io/docs/pdoc/ortools.html - https://github.com/google/or-tools/issues/920 - https://github.com/google/or-tools/issues/1867 - https://github.com/or-tools/awesome_or-tools - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJ6LeiMe_PQ - https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/icos/20.1.0?topic=c-search-api-scheduling-in-cp-optimizer#82 - Recipes for CP-SAT scheduling:...
A separate issue for objective functions split-off from #118 because it's easier to implement these. - [x] $C_{\max}$: makespan - [ ] $L_{\max}$: maximum lateness - [ ] $T_{\max}$: maximum...
We currently only support the time limit stopping criterion. There may be different useful stopping criteria, such as - NoImprovement: stop when no better solution has been found for some...
- [ ] Delays (RCPSP/Max) - [ ] Modes/recipes (#68) - [ ] Cumulative I refactored the OR-Tools example. See [here](https://github.com/leonlan/ORLIB/pull/9) for changelog. Below is the final script. ```python #...
Part of #39. TODOs - [ ] Implement CP Optimizer - [ ] Maybe rename to `optional` instead of `required`? Notes - `add_exactly_one` does not work with `only_enforce_if` (see https://groups.google.com/g/or-tools-discuss/c/2G4Y7AArZks)
Incremental solve using callbacks _during_ a solve. This is what incremental solve usually means in MIP solvers: adding cuts, lazy constraint generation, etc. This is not possible in CP-SAT. But...
- https://www.ibm.com/academic/ - Register and login - https://academic.ibm.com/a2mt/downloads#/ - https://academic.ibm.com/a2mt/downloads/data_science#/ - I downloaded the Linux binary, made it executeable and installed ``` =============================================================================== Installing the engines in your Python environment...
This issue collects things I encounter with OR-Tools that I want to document for future reference.