Leon Lan
Leon Lan
Kis (2003) generalizes operations to operate under processing modes instead of a set of eligible machines. Let $M$ denote a mode, which consists of a set of machine-consumption tuples $(m_1,...
This PR closes #26. Next step: - Setup times Continue after https://schedulingseminar.com/ from Perron.
Variants: - Precedence constraints - Contiguity constraints (same unit, previous aka back-to-back) - Machine connection constraints (transportation constraints) - Machine assignment constraints (same unit, different unit) Questions: - What kind...
Philosophy: stick as much to PyVRP's documentation styling so we can reuse code, and newly learned things can be applied back. - [ ] https://pyjobshop.readthedocs.io/en/latest/setup/intro_to_scheduling.html - [ ] https://pyjobshop.readthedocs.io/en/latest/setup/intro_to_cp.html -...
Changelog for the next release. The focus for v0.0.2 will be adding support for OR-Tools and improving the user interface. - [x] https://github.com/leonlan/PyJobShop/issues/26 - [x] https://github.com/leonlan/PyJobShop/issues/106 - [x] https://github.com/leonlan/PyJobShop/issues/77 -...
- [ ] The method arguments should follow the order of objects described in the docstring.  - [ ] Another issue: task vars are (op, machine) but processing times...
PyJobShop plans to support multiple solvers at some point (see e.g., #105). However, CP solvers do not have the same solving capabilities, and metaheuristics are also limited in feature sets....
Introduce a new precedence constraint called "transport restriction" for $i \rightarrow j$ meaning that the selected machine for $i$ must be able to access the selected machine in $j$.
Advantage: - Used in Dauzere-Perez et al. (2023). - Generalizes machines to arbitrary resources. Disadvantage: - The term machine is much more explicit.
The current CP models are written in CPLEX CPOptimzer. This is proprietary software and expensive if you don't have an academic license. OR-Tools is free and it should be possible...