Leon Lan
Leon Lan
[Stochastic universal sampling](https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.5555/42512.42515) is an alternative to the roulette wheel mechanism. It's used in one ALNS paper [(Chowdhury et al. (2019)](https://academic.oup.com/jcde/article/6/3/368/5732351#s0050).
Reinforcement learning [(Sutton and Barto (2018))](https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/10-703/textbook/BartoSutton.pdf) could provide a framework for adaptive operator selection. For example mutli-armed bandit, which is already mentioned by #73.
The dissertation by [Karimi Mamaghan (2022)](https://www.theses.fr/2022IMTA0297.pdf) may be helpful for our changes related to the adaptive operation selection in ALNS. - In Section 3.5.1, the adaptive operator selection problem is...
On adaptive operation selection from [Karimi Mamaghan (2022, p64-p65)](https://www.theses.fr/2022IMTA0297.pdf). For each step, I'll comment on how this could relate to our new implementation. > **Performance criteria identification** – Whenever an...
For `SelectionScheme.__call__` to select operators, I like the current approach of using indices to determine which destroy/repair operator to select. So I think we only need to add `best` and...
> To match the acceptance and stopping criteria, I propose switching the argument order to `(self, rnd, best, current)`. Otherwise looks good to me. Sounds good. > I think we...
> To match the acceptance and stopping criteria, I propose switching the argument order to `(self, rnd, best, current)`. Otherwise looks good to me. Some function signatures take `rnd` as...
TODOS: - [x] Rename weights to select, issue deprecation warnings for weights, rename simple weights to roulette wheel - [x] Introduce new interface for selection schemes (as discussed above) -...
That is an honorable request! I'm happy to contribute to the paper :)
Some random thoughts related to the question: how good is LNS compared to ALNS? - [Christiaens and Vanden Berghe (2020)](https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/abs/10.1287/trsc.2019.0914?casa_token=SlyfDw3BxIYAAAAA:mDewWLkuB0c6EcFYmoMdttsfNoPi9cqrV08zWioKeIcZULVD01Xz1pTNx0RLR6xhHC477z4dS69g) show that an LNS using a 1) *slack-inducing string removal*...