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Update permission in acl
Hello sir,
I implemented vue-acl it works but when i update the permission then my menus are not hide & showing instantly as per permission on frontend.
There are only single role but i have add, edit, delete, view permission for all menu. when i update these permission then vue reactive property is not working.
Its working after manual refresh of the page.
& once i manually refresh the page then acl.js file is calling , i add this path in main.js as well.
This may be because after updating the permission, vue acl instance is not updating, also global rules are not updating.
I try a lot from past 2 days but not found any help.
my acl.js file like
import Vue from 'vue'
import { AclInstaller, AclCreate, AclRule } from 'vue-acl'
import router from '@/router'
let initialRole = 'admin'
let permissionarray = null;
const userInfo = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('userInfo'))
if (userInfo && userInfo.userRole) initialRole = userInfo.userRole
if (userInfo && userInfo.permissions) permissionarray = userInfo.permissions
const rolePermissions = {}
// Default Permission
rolePermissions[initialRole] = new AclRule(initialRole).generate()
rolePermissions['default'] = new AclRule('default').or(initialRole).generate()
// Roles Permission
for (var key in permissionarray) {
for(var key2 in permissionarray[key])
if(permissionarray[key][key2] == true){
rolePermissions[key+'_'+key2] = new AclRule(key+'_'+key2).or(initialRole).generate()
rolePermissions[key+'_'+key2] = new AclRule(key+'_'+key2).generate()
export default new AclCreate({
initial : initialRole,
notfound : '/error-403',
acceptLocalRules : true,
globalRules: rolePermissions,
my main.js file like File Name: main.js Description: main vue(js) file
import Vue from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
// Vuesax Component Framework
import Vuesax from 'vuesax'
// axios
import axios from './axios.js'
Vue.prototype.$http = axios
// Theme Configurations
import '../themeConfig.js'
// Globally Registered Components
import './globalComponents.js'
// Vue Router
import router from './router'
// Vuex Store
import store from './store/store'
// Vuexy Admin Filters
import './filters/filters'
import interceptorsSetup from './helpers/interceptors'
// VeeValidate
import VeeValidate from 'vee-validate'
import * as VueGoogleMaps from 'vue2-google-maps'
Vue.use(VueGoogleMaps, {
load: {
// Add your API key here
key: 'xyz',
libraries: 'places' // This is required if you use the Auto complete plug-in
// Vuejs - Vue wrapper for hammerjs
import { VueHammer } from 'vue2-hammer'
// PrismJS
import 'prismjs'
import 'prismjs/themes/prism-tomorrow.css'
// ACL
import acl from './acl/acl'
Vue.config.productionTip = false
new Vue({
render: h => h(App)
Thanks in advance.
hey @dharmdeep same problem here ... did you find a solution to this issue?
Hello @ikirux i am not find any solution for this. sorry to say i searched a lot but there's no document on this package which describes step by step implementation.
Hey @dharmdeep I managed to fix the problem changing the correct role when the user login:
` // Before push the user to the home page let initialRole = "public"; const userInfo = JSON.parse( localStorage.getItem("userInfo") );
if (userInfo && userInfo.userRole) initialRole = userInfo.userRole;
his.$acl.change(initialRole); this.$router.push("home");`
I had the same problem here. Has some way to change/update role by store (VUEX) ?
Hey @summersongoncalves, I don't know if it's too late but with this code, I fixed my refresh problem:
let role = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("role"));
let initialRole = "public"; if (role) initialRole = role;
export default new AclCreate({ initial: initialRole, // ... });
Hi @ikirux , thnx for the reply and I'ts never late :D In my case with mutiples permissions I needed to set global rules like this:
let initialRole = 'default'
const permissions = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('permissions'))
const rolePermissions = {}
// Default Permission
rolePermissions[initialRole] = new AclRule(initialRole).generate()
if (permissions) {
for (let x = 0; x < permissions.length; x++) {
rolePermissions[`${permissions[x]}`] = new AclRule(`${permissions[x]}`).or(initialRole).generate()
after that, I pass to 'globalRules' All permissions I've to manage by VUEX.
Thx you all.