Leonardo Ascione

Results 31 comments of Leonardo Ascione

Happens to me too, `Time Zone: "" - Cron String: 0,15,30,45 * * * * * - UTC offset: +00:00 - current Date: Sat Apr 11 2020 08:21:55 GMT+0000`

Maybe with `setTimeout` previous implementation, even if CPU stalled, setTimeout stalled too so didn't update the `findingTimeout` variable? Not sure about this, just my 2 cents > Calling setTimeout will...

Really old question I know. I'm leaving it here just if someone comes here from search results: I've released a [`remarkable-admonitions`](https://github.com/favoloso/remarkable-admonitions) plugin to add admonitions support (with `:::` syntax similar...

@pvdlg Hello! I'm the plugin author mentioned before. `recommendedBump` is the way `conventional-changelog` detects which semver change should be applied in the next release, as used by its cli. You...

In your `tsconfig.json` I can see `"include": ["src"]`, which doesn't allow TS to recognize files in `test-package` as importable files.

Using values as types seems an issue linked to #46. Could you try to use `import type { ... }` in order to give babel a hint? Since we don't...

Hello, are you sure that you imported `reflect-metadata` at the entrypoint of your application? It's a common issue.

Hi @fivethreeo thank you! I'm sure this would be cool, but doesn't match the repository scope. I'll leave this open in case someone else find it useful / would like...

Usually in TypeORM you can simply use `@OneToOne(type => Entity)` instead of `@OneToOne(Entity)` to resolve the circular dependency which is unsupported directly in JS. Have you tried this way?

Didn't know about the string version, however the problem here is in the type definition (`user: User;`) not the relationship definition (`@OneToOne('User', 'user')`) I may suggest to type `user: User;`...