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Implementation of "Learning with Random Learning Rates" in PyTorch.

Learning with Random Learning Rates

Authors' implementation of "Learning with Random Learning Rates" (2018) in PyTorch.

The original paper can be found here: arxiv:1810.01322, and a shorter blog post explaining the method here:

Authors: Léonard Blier, Pierre Wolinski, Yann Ollivier.


The requirements are:

  • pytorch (0.4 and higher)
  • numpy, scipy
  • tqdm


A tutorial on how to use Alrao with custom models is in tutorial.ipynb.

Sample script for using Alrao with convolutional models on CIFAR10

The script trains convolutional neural networks on CIFAR10.

The main options are:

  --no-cuda             disable cuda
  --epochs EPOCHS       number of epochs for phase 1 (default: 50)
  --model_name MODEL_NAME
                        Model {VGG19, GoogLeNet, MobileNetV2, SENet18}
  --optimizer OPTIMIZER
                        optimizer (default: SGD) {Adam, SGD}
  --lr LR               learning rate, when used without alrao
  --use_alrao           multiple learning rates
  --minLR MINLR         log10 of the minimum LR in alrao (log_10 eta_min)
  --maxLR MAXLR         log10 of the maximum LR in alrao (log_10 eta_max)
  --n_last_layers N_LL  number of last layers (e. g. classifiers) used in Alrao (default 10)

More options are available. Check it by running python --help. For example, to use the script with Alrao on the interval (10**-5, 10) with GoogLeNet, run:

python --use_alrao --minLR -5 --maxLR 1 --n_last_layers 10 --model_name GoogLeNet

If you want to train the same model but with SGD with a learning rate 10**-3, run:

python --lr 0.001 --model_name GoogLeNet

The available models are VGG19, GoogLeNet, MobileNetV2, SENet18.

Sample script for using Alrao with recurrent models on PTB

The script trains a recurrent neural networks on PTB with a LSTM. By default, the LSTM is trained for word prediction with a backpropagation through time (bptt) of 35. The setup given in the paper is obtained with the following options:

python --char_prediction --bptt=70

Options given in the previous section are also available, as well as LSTM specific options (number of layers, size of the embedding, etc.). Check it by running python --help.

Note: in the code, the loss is computed with the natural logarithm, and not with the binary logarithm as mentioned in the paper. Thus, a conversion is necessary.

How to use Alrao on custom models

Custom models

Custom models can be used with some modifications. We give here an example in the case of a classification task with the negative log-likelihood loss.

First, the custom model has to be split into a pre-classifier class (e.g. PreClassif) and a classifier class (e.g. Classif) in order to be integrated into the class AlraoModel. Note that the classifier is supposed to return log-probabilities. Once done, an instance of AlraoModel can be created with:

preclassif = PreClassif(<args_of_the_preclassifier>)
alrao_model = AlraoModel('classification', torch.nn.NLLLoss(), 
                         preclassif, nb_classifiers, Classif, <args_of_the_classifiers>)

Then the forward method of the pre-classifier is assumed to return either one value or a tuple. If a tuple (x, a, b, ...) is returned, the first element x is supposed to be taken as input of the classifiers. Their outputs are then averaged with a model averaging method (here, the Switch class), which returns y. Thus, the forward method of AlraoModel returns a tuple (y, a, b, ...).

Method forwarding

To make Alrao easier to integrate in a given project, method forwarding is provided. Suppose a model class named Model has a method f, which is regularly called in a code with x, y = some_model.f(a, b). This model has just to be processed as indicated above, and the code is to be changed from:

some_model = Model(...)
x, y = some_model.f(a, b)


some_model = AlraoModel(...)
# if 'f' is a preclassifier method:
# if 'f' is a classifier method:
x, y = some_model.f(a, b)