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potential TB3 Hotplug fix?
I was reading online and found some resources of getting tb3 to work with hotplug on dell laptops and came across this https://github.com/xxxzc/xps15-9570-macos/issues/40#issuecomment-750740537, is it possible to implement this for our dell XPS?
This kext https://github.com/the-darkvoid/macOS-IOElectrify
Enables the TB3 controller on boot so we don’t need a TB3 device always plugged in.
IOElectrify.kext and TbtForcePower.efi driver are enough to get hotplug working, but hotUnPlug doesn't work. For my Rx580, I get Radeon 5000/6000 PCI disconnect spam in logs. You may need to patch out XTBT's call to self, which I haven't tried.
So I've checked - you need IOElectrify.kext, and a new SSDT in order to provide PCI0.TRP0.PXSX.BRDG and PCI0.TRP2.PXSX.BRDG. I haven't gotten it to work correctly, but I got close by dropping TcssSsdt and injecting a patched version with the new devices .