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Error on Play 2.4

Open kormoglaz opened this issue 9 years ago • 9 comments

Hi, I'm using your library. When I compile my project I got:

[error] missing or invalid dependency detected while loading class file 'Binders.class'. [error] Could not access type JavascriptLitteral in package play.api.mvc, [error] because it (or its dependencies) are missing. Check your build definition for [error] missing or conflicting dependencies. (Re-run with -Ylog-classpath to see the problematic classpath.) [error] A full rebuild may help if 'Binders.class' was compiled against an incompatible version of play.api.mvc.

My built.sbt is:

name := """panorama-settings"""

version := "1.0-SNAPSHOT"

lazy val root = (project in file(".")).enablePlugins(PlayScala)

scalaVersion := "2.11.6"

lazy val dbD = Seq( "org.mongodb" %% "casbah" % "2.8.0", "" %% "play-plugins-redis" % "2.3.1", "com.novus" %% "salat" % "1.9.9", "se.radley" %% "play-plugins-salat" % "1.5.0" // ORM for mongo )

libraryDependencies ++= Seq( jdbc, cache, ws, specs2 % Test ) ++ dbD

routesImport += "se.radley.plugin.salat.Binders._"

TwirlKeys.templateImports += "org.bson.types.ObjectId"

resolvers += "scalaz-bintray" at ""

resolvers += "Sonatype OSS Snapshots" at ""

// Play provides two styles of routers, one expects its actions to be injected, the // other, legacy style, accesses its actions statically. routesGenerator := InjectedRoutesGenerator

kormoglaz avatar Jun 19 '15 05:06 kormoglaz

Also getting this error, a quick search reveals it to be due to play.api.mvc changing the spelling: JavascriptLitteral --> JavascriptLiteral

The error is on Binders.scala:42

dtgartman avatar Aug 02 '15 22:08 dtgartman

+1. any ideas hot to fix it?

vitaly-rozman avatar Aug 05 '15 04:08 vitaly-rozman

+1. same problem

marius-carp avatar Sep 18 '15 14:09 marius-carp

Any progress?

antonstamov avatar Sep 30 '15 12:09 antonstamov

I'm not actively working on this project. If anyone feels they want to carry the torch they are welcome to take over.

leon avatar Sep 30 '15 14:09 leon

The plugin needs migrated to a module to work with 2.4

danmassie avatar Oct 14 '15 15:10 danmassie

In Play 2.4, that trait has been renamed JavascriptLiteral, with one "t", to fix the spelling. Here is my commit to it it works but actually break compilation for old versions

martende avatar Nov 17 '15 20:11 martende

@martende How can I get your build? Do I need to recompile your code?

angeloh avatar Nov 24 '15 20:11 angeloh

@angeloh: you can clone my version. and make 'sbt publish-local' and than use this version I don't know where can I put public libs that sbt understand.

martende avatar Nov 24 '15 21:11 martende