MaterialSkin copied to clipboard
strange behavior in redraw
I have a form with materialcard, materialcombo and materialcheck. It is normally shown correctly.
In some cases (I did not understand when) the mask appears "not redrawn" correctly: for example the checkboxes have no dot and if I click on a combo it does not select anything
Is it possible to force some kind of refresh ?
for the RadioButton the problem seems related to "animationProgress" in the paint event. If I force it ==1 the dot appears
...same thing for combobox...
As I see from your form, you have a Datagrid or listview, something there. Could you please post the code from the CurrentCellChanged event (or the event of row changed) from which you populate the other controls?
The datagrid contains only search result. The other controls have been populated by form shown
Could you please post population code here?
Yes, sure ! Tell me if you need something else.
Public Class frmAllegati
Dim _loadingGrid As Boolean = False
Private _RichiestaAlle As DbEntities.Allegato = Nothing
Public Sub SetParams(cosa As DbEntities.Allegato)
_RichiestaAlle = cosa
End Sub
Private Function getSelection() As DbEntities.Allegato
Dim Itm As New DbEntities.Allegato
If dgw.SelectedRows.Count <= 0 Then Return Itm
Dim riga As DataGridViewRow = dgw.SelectedRows(0)
Dim dr As DataRowView = riga.DataBoundItem
Itm.Codice = dr.Row("Codice").ToString()
Itm.Rev = dr.Row("Rev").ToString()
Itm.IdLingua = dr.Row("IdLingua").ToString()
Itm.FileName = dr.Row("FileName").ToString()
Itm.WBS = dr.Row("WBS").ToString()
Return Itm
End Function
Private Sub LocalUiMessage(Cosa As String, idx As Long, max As Long)
If Cosa <> "" Then
End If
If max = 0 Then
Me.lblStatus.Text = Cosa
Me.lblStatus.Text = Cosa & " " & idx & " di " & max
End If
End Sub
Private Sub frmAllegati_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim ArrRisNew = dbHelper.getRisorseTipo(False)
Dim ArrRisRic = dbHelper.getRisorseTipo(False)
Dim rieEmpty As New DbEntities.TipoRisorsa
rieEmpty.CodRisorsa = ""
rieEmpty.Descrizione = "<Tutte>"
ArrRisRic.Insert(0, rieEmpty)
cboNewRisorsa.DataSource = ArrRisNew
cboRicRisorsa.DataSource = ArrRisRic
Dim arr1 = BDB.Languages.ToArray
Dim L1 As New DbEntities.LinguaList()
Dim L2 As New DbEntities.LinguaList()
Dim Lempty As New DbEntities.Lingua
Lempty.IdLingua = 0
Lempty.NomeLingua = "<Universale>"
L2.Insert(0, Lempty)
L1.Insert(0, Lempty)
cboNewLanguage.DataSource = L2
Lempty = New DbEntities.Lingua
Lempty.IdLingua = -1
Lempty.NomeLingua = "<Tutte>"
L1.Insert(0, Lempty)
cboRicLingua.DataSource = L1
End Sub
Private Sub BtnRicSapBom_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtnRicSapBom.Click
Dim R As Integer = -1
Dim L As Integer = -1
Dim W As Integer = -1
Dim CL As DbEntities.Lingua = cboRicLingua.SelectedItem
Dim CR As DbEntities.TipoRisorsa = cboRicRisorsa.SelectedItem
L = CL.IdLingua
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Me.txtRicRev.Text.Trim) Then
R = Val(Me.txtRicRev.Text)
End If
Dim nome As String = Me.txtRicNome.Text
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Me.txtRicWbs.Text.Trim) Then
W = Val(Me.txtRicWbs.Text)
End If
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(nome) Then nome = "%" & nome & "%"
Dim dt = dbHelper.GetAllegatiAsDT(Me.txtRicCodice.Text, R, L, nome, W, CR.CodRisorsa)
_loadingGrid = True
Me.dgw.AllowUserToAddRows = False
Me.dgw.AllowUserToDeleteRows = False
Me.dgw.AllowUserToEditRows = False
Me.dgw.SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.FullRowSelect
_loadingGrid = False
If Not IsNothing(dt) AndAlso dt.Rows.Count >= 1 Then
'dgw_SelectionChanged(Nothing, Nothing)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnSfoglia_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSfoglia.Click
If chkCartella.Checked Then
Dim Ofd As New FolderBrowserDialog
Ofd.Description = "Importa cartella intera"
If Ofd.ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then
Me.txtNewFile.Text = Ofd.SelectedPath
End If
Dim Ofd As New OpenFileDialog
Ofd.Title = "Importa file singolo"
Ofd.Filter = "Tutti|*.*"
If Ofd.ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then
Me.txtNewFile.Text = Ofd.FileName
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnCreaNew_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCreaNew.Click
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(Me.txtNewCod.Text.Trim) Then
UI.ShowExtendedError("Indica il codice!", Me, False)
Me.txtNewCod.isFocused = True
Exit Sub
End If
Dim art = dbHelper.getArtico(Me.txtNewCod.Text.Trim)
If art.Codice = "" Then
UI.ShowExtendedError("Codice non trovato!", Me, False)
Me.txtNewCod.isFocused = True
Exit Sub
End If
If Val(Me.txtNewRev.Text.Trim) < 0 Then
UI.ShowExtendedError("Indica la revisione !", Me, False)
Me.txtNewRev.isFocused = True
Exit Sub
End If
If Me.cboNewLanguage.SelectedIndex < 0 Then
UI.ShowExtendedError("Indica la lingua !", Me, False)
Exit Sub
End If
If Me.cboNewRisorsa.SelectedIndex < 0 Then
UI.ShowExtendedError("Indica la tipologia di risorsa !", Me, False)
Exit Sub
End If
If chkFileSingolo.Checked Then
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(Me.txtNewFile.Text.Trim) Then
UI.ShowExtendedError("Indica il file!", Me, False)
Me.txtNewFile.isFocused = True
Exit Sub
End If
If Not System.IO.File.Exists(Me.txtNewFile.Text.Trim) Then
UI.ShowExtendedError("File non valido " & Me.txtNewFile.Text.Trim, Me, False)
Me.txtNewFile.isFocused = True
Exit Sub
End If
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(Me.txtNewFile.Text.Trim) Then
UI.ShowExtendedError("Indica la cartella !", Me, False)
Me.txtNewFile.isFocused = True
Exit Sub
End If
If Not System.IO.Directory.Exists(Me.txtNewFile.Text.Trim) Then
UI.ShowExtendedError("Cartella non valida " & Me.txtNewFile.Text.Trim, Me, False)
Me.txtNewFile.isFocused = True
Exit Sub
End If
If Not UI.ShowDialog("Aggiungo tutti i file in " & Me.txtNewFile.Text & " ?", "Nuovi allegati", enShowDialogType.Warning, True, Me) Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
Dim LastWbs As String = ""
Dim LastCod As String = ""
Dim LastRev As String = ""
Dim Eo As String = ""
LocalUiMessage("Creazione nuovo allegato...", 0, 0)
If chkFileSingolo.Checked Then
Dim Alle As New DbEntities.Allegato
Dim CL As DbEntities.Lingua = cboNewLanguage.SelectedItem
Dim CR As DbEntities.TipoRisorsa = cboNewRisorsa.SelectedItem
Alle.Codice = Me.txtNewCod.Text
Alle.Rev = Val(Me.txtNewRev.Text)
Alle.IdLingua = CL.IdLingua
Alle.WBS = Val(Me.txtNewWBS.Text)
Alle.CodRisorsa = CR.CodRisorsa
Eo = AllegatiManager.ImportNewFile(Alle, txtNewFile.Text)
LastWbs = Alle.WBS
LastCod = Alle.Codice
LastRev = Alle.Rev
Dim fileList = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(txtNewFile.Text)
For Each currentFile As String In fileList
Dim Alle As New DbEntities.Allegato
Dim CL As DbEntities.Lingua = cboNewLanguage.SelectedItem
Dim CR As DbEntities.TipoRisorsa = cboNewRisorsa.SelectedItem
Alle.Codice = Me.txtNewCod.Text
Alle.Rev = Val(Me.txtNewRev.Text)
Alle.IdLingua = CL.IdLingua
Alle.WBS = Val(Me.txtNewWBS.Text)
Alle.CodRisorsa = CR.CodRisorsa
LastWbs = Alle.WBS
LastCod = Alle.Codice
LastRev = Alle.Rev
Dim EoFile As String = AllegatiManager.ImportNewFile(Alle, currentFile)
If EoFile <> "" Then
Eo = Eo & vbCrLf & "Problema con " & System.IO.Path.GetFileName(currentFile) & " " & EoFile
End If
End If
LocalUiMessage("", 0, 0)
If Eo = "" Then
If Val(LastWbs) <= 0 Then
Me.txtRicCodice.Text = LastCod
Me.txtRicRev.Text = LastRev
Me.txtRicNome.Text = ""
Me.txtRicCodice.Text = ""
Me.txtRicRev.Text = ""
Me.txtRicNome.Text = ""
Me.txtRicWbs.Text = LastWbs
End If
cboRicLingua.SelectedIndex = 0
BtnRicSapBom_Click(Nothing, Nothing)
UI.ShowMessage("OK", "Importa allegato/i", Me)
UI.ShowExtendedError(Eo, Me, True)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub BtnViewAlle_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtnViewAlle.Click
Dim itm = getSelection()
If itm.Codice = "" Then Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub btnFolder_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnFolder.Click
Dim itm = getSelection()
If itm.Codice = "" Then Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub btnEliSolo1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnEliSolo1.Click
Dim itm = getSelection()
If itm.Codice = "" Then Exit Sub
If Not UI.ShowDialog("Rimuovo file di " & itm.ToString & " ?", "Rimozione allegato", enShowDialogType.Warning, True, Me) Then
Exit Sub
End If
LocalUiMessage("Rimozione allegato...", 0, 0)
Dim Eo As String = AllegatiManager.DeleteFile(itm)
LocalUiMessage("", 0, 0)
If Eo = "" Then
BtnRicSapBom_Click(Nothing, Nothing)
UI.ShowMessage("OK", "Rimozione allegato", Me)
UI.ShowExtendedError(Eo, Me, True)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnEliTutti_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnEliTutti.Click
Dim dt = Me.dgw.MainDataTable
If dtEOF(dt) Then Exit Sub
If Not UI.ShowDialog("Rimuovo file di tutta la griglia ?", "Rimozione allegati", enShowDialogType.Warning, True, Me) Then
Exit Sub
End If
If UI.InputBoxMat("Digita SI per confermare !", "Rimozione allegati", "") <> "SI" Then
UI.ShowDialog("Operazione annullata! ", "", enShowDialogType.Info, False, Me)
Exit Sub
End If
Dim EoAll As New System.Text.StringBuilder
LocalUiMessage("Rimozione allegati...", 0, 0)
For Each dr As DataRow In dt.Rows
Dim itm As New DbEntities.Allegato
itm.Codice = Nz(dr("Codice"), "").ToString
itm.Rev = Nz(dr("Rev"), "0").ToString
itm.IdLingua = Nz(dr("IdLingua"), "0").ToString
itm.FileName = Nz(dr("FileName"), "").ToString
itm.WBS = Nz(dr("WBS"), "").ToString
Dim Eo As String = AllegatiManager.DeleteFile(itm)
If Eo <> "" Then EoAll.AppendLine("Problema con " & itm.ToString & " " & Eo)
LocalUiMessage("", 0, 0)
If EoAll.Length <= 0 Then
BtnRicSapBom_Click(Nothing, Nothing)
UI.ShowMessage("OK", "Rimozione allegati", Me)
UI.ShowExtendedError(EoAll.ToString, Me, True)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub dgw_RowDblClick(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles dgw.RowDblClick
BtnViewAlle_Click(Nothing, Nothing)
End Sub
Private Sub btnRinomina_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnRinomina.Click
Dim itm = getSelection()
If itm.Codice = "" Then Exit Sub
If Not UI.ShowDialog("Rinomino " & itm.FileName & " ?", "Rinomina allegato", enShowDialogType.Warning, True, Me) Then
Exit Sub
End If
Dim NewName As String = UI.InputBoxMat("Nuovo Nome, completo di estensione", "Rinomina allegato", itm.FileName)
NewName = NewName.Trim
If NewName = "" OrElse NewName.ToUpper = itm.FileName.ToUpper Then
UI.ShowDialog("Operazione annullata! ", "Rinomina allegato", enShowDialogType.Info, False, Me)
Exit Sub
End If
LocalUiMessage("Rinomina allegato...", 0, 0)
Dim Eo As String = AllegatiManager.Rinomina(itm, NewName)
LocalUiMessage("", 0, 0)
If Eo = "" Then
BtnRicSapBom_Click(Nothing, Nothing)
UI.ShowMessage("OK", "Rinomina allegato", Me)
UI.ShowExtendedError(Eo, Me, True)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub dgw_SelectionChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles dgw.SelectionChanged
Dim itm = getSelection()
If itm.Codice = "" Then Exit Sub
Me.txtNewCod.Text = itm.Codice
Me.txtNewRev.Text = itm.Rev
End Sub
Private Sub SelLin(cb As MaterialSkin.Controls.MaterialComboBox, idL As Integer)
Dim alr As DbEntities.LinguaList = cb.DataSource
For Each Cl As DbEntities.Lingua In alr
If Cl.IdLingua = idL Then
cb.SelectedIndex = alr.IndexOf(Cl)
Exit For
End If
End Sub
Private Sub frmAllegati_Shown(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Shown
If Not IsNothing(_RichiestaAlle) AndAlso _RichiestaAlle.Codice <> "" Then
chkFileSingolo.Checked = True
Me.txtNewCod.Text = _RichiestaAlle.Codice
Me.txtNewRev.Text = _RichiestaAlle.Rev
SelLin(cboNewLanguage, _RichiestaAlle.IdLingua)
If _RichiestaAlle.WBS > 0 Then
Me.txtNewWBS.Text = _RichiestaAlle.WBS
Me.txtRicCodice.Text = ""
Me.txtRicRev.Text = ""
Me.txtRicWbs.Text = _RichiestaAlle.WBS
Me.txtRicCodice.Text = _RichiestaAlle.Codice
Me.txtRicRev.Text = _RichiestaAlle.Rev
End If
BtnRicSapBom_Click(Nothing, Nothing)
_RichiestaAlle = Nothing
End If
End Sub
Private Sub swMultiSel_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
End Sub
Private Sub chkFileSingolo_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles chkFileSingolo.CheckedChanged
chkCartella.Checked = Not chkFileSingolo.Checked
Me.txtNewFile.Text = ""
End Sub
Private Sub chkCartella_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles chkCartella.CheckedChanged
chkFileSingolo.Checked = Not chkCartella.Checked
Me.txtNewFile.Text = ""
End Sub
Private Sub SetHint()
If chkCartella.Checked Then
txtNewFile.Hint = "Percorso cartella"
txtNewFile.Hint = "Percorso file"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub frmAllegati_FormClosed(sender As Object, e As FormClosedEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosed
End Sub
End Class
First of all, I am able to read VB code, even if I'm programming in C#.
Please generate the SelectedIndex
event for the combobox containing language, and write the code to see in console/debugger which is the index selected. And see how the index changed. I think somewhere in code, your index is set to -1 because no item is selected.
mmh... I don't know... for now I blocked the animation in this way (example OnPaint in MaterialRadioButton.cs)
and with this trick the items appears selected correctly (both selection in comboboxes and dot in radiobuttons)
Confirming something similar with value redraw issues. When opening a dropdown and moving your mouse over the items, sometimes you can notice the dropdown suddenly replacing its value with the hovered one, but when you close it it's normal again. Difficult to reproduce, happens maybe once in 10 tries.
I managed to capture the problem with a simple dropdown. I'm definitely not changing the selected index while the mouse is hovering over. It should not replace the text with MIDINS because I only hovered on the item and did not click on it. As soon as I clicked outside of the dropdown it reverts to the real value. And then you'll see that I opened it up again but then could not reproduce the problem:
The trick with animationProgress = 1;
in MaterialComboBox did not help in my case.
For now, here's what I did: I added diagnostic output in Paint
using (NativeTextRenderer NativeText = new NativeTextRenderer(g))
// Draw user text
and - surprise! - indeed I managed to capture some cases when Text was being output with the value that matches the item I'm hovering on and not the value that combobox should have at that moment. It's as if something is temporarily modifying Text somewhere and choosing the wrong value.
Added also
SelectedIndexChanged += (sender, args) =>
but no changes are detected when the wrong text is being rendered. I tried to dig deeper to find out who/what is modifying SelectedItem / Index / Text properties of the combobox while mouse is only hovering over the items, but could not find anything reasonable.
So I added a workaround:
SelectedIndexChanged += (sender, args) =>
// workaround for a bug changing the text while OnPaint
_reallySelectedItem = SelectedItem;
var text = _reallySelectedItem?.ToString() ?? Text ?? "";