Leo Farias

Results 129 comments of Leo Farias

@robsonsilv4 I took a look at Flow builder, but it seems very tied to the application state, in an opinionated way. Wanted something a bit more light weight hopefully.

Thinking about going with go_router as the feedback has been great so far from the community. https://pub.dev/packages/go_router

@Solido Can you explain the `inherit` false, resetting the attributes? It should ignore any inherited mixes, but still, apply attributes defined on its own context.. I am adding to the...

@VladimirCores We currently don't have a text input field. Most likely this will be part of one of the headless widgets.

@bdlukaa This a great suggest, I added the label add-on, as I think we will create a repository monorepo that allows to add all these functionalities, so we can keep...

@VladimirCores We tried to do short versions for everything but it started to hurt the dev experience and also create overlap between different ones, that is why we created for...

@MrMaz I think you are hitting on some very important things. The contract piece if implemented correctly creates a lot of room for value add. From scaffolding to validation and...

@polilluminato this is an ongoing challenge with the API. I had to do something similar for the flutter.space API. https://github.com/fluttertools/flutter.space/blob/main/lib/helpers.dart#L114 I think a helper function might be interesting, let me...

Yes feel free to use whatever you need for Flutter Spaces, if you end up with flutter space SDK, feel free to do a PR!

@mschwartz did you try calling `close` on the client? You can do the following way. ```dart final client = PubClient(); final packageScore = await client.packageInfo('provider'); client.client?.close(); ```