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PHP CAS Server

Results 12 php_cas_server issues
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![image]( As shown in the picture, I don't know how to solve it. I have switched node to version 10


![图片]( 作者能不能出一期教程搭建一下这个客户端和服务器端,可以有偿的

![图片]( 作者您好,有没有完整的一套示例,搭建php cas server之后用cas client 连接的教程呢?

Hi, I'm trying to follow the installation steps, but I have this error when running gulp: [SyntaxError: Unexpected token ...] There is any known clue for this? Thanks in advance!

Hi! Tanks for sharing the project. What is an example of URL for redirect to the cas Server? I try service-auth but there is no route to that. Thanks! PD:...

Where is log cas server ?

What is the user flow? Is it: the user registers their account email and password on this CAS server, then a web service built with a CAS Client (like phpCAS)...

how to use plugin center? for google/weibo

leo你好 当服务端sessio过期时,此时用户停留在客户端登录后的页面。 这时当用户点击退出按钮时,报错 ``` session_destroy(): Session object destruction failed ``` 我的代码 ``` $this->initCAS(); phpCAS::logoutWithRedirectService(route('welcome')); ``` 当我试图用捕获错误的方法不终止代码运行,重定向到欢迎页 ``` try{ $this->initCAS(); phpCAS::logoutWithRedirectService(route('welcome')); info('cas成功登出'); return; }catch(\Exception $e){ info('cas error'); info($e->getMessage()); } return redirect()->route('welcome');...