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[benchmark] Compare the performance between hipe-enabled and disabled
We've release the official LeoFS packages with hipe disabled as we faced the erlang runtime with hipe disabled has been more performant than the one with hipe enabled in the past. however it was confirmed around a few years ago so it's time to compare again with OTP19.
We have done the test back to old 1.4.0 series https://github.com/leo-project/notes/tree/53926f8d26b4a0ada9d9917e38af0a1fd5ac3144/leofs/benchmark/leofs/1.4/1.4.0/erlang_options/20151119_1m_r95w5_30min_1
The difference between default options and suggested options is little (if any) I think we considered to drop the suggestion back in that time