ehh icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ehh copied to clipboard

Commandline tool for remembering linux/terminal commands



Remember linux commands

Tired of forgetting bash/linux/osx commands?

Store and run any command inside ehh.

pipx install ehh

Why not just alias or ctrl+r?

Well, ehh provides:

  • An organized list of aliases
  • List groups
  • List filtering
  • Support for vars, which are prompted on run
  • Easy way to add an alias


  • Store commands like sudo lsof -iTCP -sTCP:LISTEN -n -P (osx) under an alias like sys.ports
  • Add a description to your command Check Listening Ports
  • Run the command by alias ehh sys.ports or by index ehh 23
  • Show a list of all stored commands by typing ehh
  • Filter the list of stored commands by typing ehh {query}. ehh sys will show all commands in the sys namespace.

  • Add vars to a commmand by using (:var_name). For example: find "$(pwd)" -name (:search) 2>/dev/null will prompt for a search query to search in the current directory (osx)
  • All commands are stored inside ~/ehh.yaml
  • See ehh help for more info


Via pipx

pipx install ehh

Manual installation

curl -o && chmod +x

Add it to your path:

sudo ln -s $(pwd)/ /usr/local/bin/ehh

Install python libs:

pip install colorama click pyyaml

If you want to start with some commands you can use the example ehh.yaml. The commands in this file are linux based.

curl -o ehh.yaml && mv ehh.yaml ~/ehh.yaml


$ ehh add
> Command: sudo usermod -a -G (:group) (:user)
> Description: Add a user to a group
> Group (optional):
> Alias (optional):

$ ehh    # Get a list
> 1   sudo usermod -a -G (:group) (:user)          Add a user to a group

$ ehh 1
> user: john
> group: docker
(Command sudo usermod -a -G docker john is ran)

$ ehh     # Using the lias
> user: john
> group: docker
(Command sudo usermod -a -G docker john is ran)


$ ehh add

Enter the command you want to store, a description and an optional group.

$ ehh ls QUERY?

List your commands with an index and description. Add an optional QUERY to filter the list.

$ ehh run INDEX|ALIAS
$ ehh INDEX (less typing)
$ ehh ALIAS

if ehh INDEX|ALIAS fails, it return the list filtered by query

Run your command by index. It's also possible to use an alias, it will loop through the matches and ask for it to be run.

$ ehh get INDEX

Get all the details of the command

$ ehh rm INDEX

Remove command by index
