Thanh Le

Results 27 issues of Thanh Le

This library is awesome, but it needs a little more flexible. People may want to use this with some other media libraries such as [ExoPlayer](

We now have this callback for MediaPlayer state: ``` public interface MainThreadMediaPlayerListener { void onVideoSizeChangedMainThread(int width, int height); void onVideoPreparedMainThread(); void onVideoCompletionMainThread(); void onErrorMainThread(int what, int extra); void onBufferingUpdateMainThread(int percent);...

Should we add this tool when debug It's cool for QA team, especially when we work remotely.


I think we moved this test file into a wrong folder, so it stops running ( that why we thought it passes). But it is actually still failed.

We use two test frame works munit and weaver. We use weaver because it is integrated better with cats-effect therefore supper useful for integration testing and it can handle normal...

good first issue

## Motivation Currently, We need convert any data structure (mostly `Game` and `Study`) to `Pgn` and then using `Pgn.render` to build `PgnStr`. It'd better if We could just go from...


For To try this, checkout that pr branch and run `sbt app/run`. And it should just work. The second goal is making changes minimal(the first one of course is...

Error messages should tell where and why error happen