Note that this is `proc (loc, scale) { student_t(loc, scale, 1) }`, which is what I ended up using at the time.
(I thought I had filed an issue for this already, but I can't find it now...)
What does "recursive brush" mean here? Example program? Edit: Oh, okay, it's clear from the reference. Something like ``` assume f = proc () { if (flip()) { some_result() }...
My guess is that fixing randomness is not required, basically because of Neal's Algorithm 8 (i.e. you need to fix the randomness for at least the one case that corresponds...
Conjecture: fixing randomness is a particular way of fixing _some_ deterministic function from the principal values to the brush values, and other ways might also work (as long as they...
Note that the original reference for slice sampling ([Neal 2003](https://projecteuclid.org/euclid.aos/1056562461)) also outlines some multivariate schemes, although presumably Madeleine's thesis has refinements of these.
For CRP in particular, this can be solved by setting nextTable to the last table index that was vacated by detaching. The contract then is that if you detach an...
Taking a closer look at that paper, it looks like the thing described is not actually an exact posterior sampler, but an auxiliary variable Gibbs sampler -- p(alpha|k) is the...
Could become a mite example. @vkmvkmvkmvkm?
Seems like if the dimensionality of the hidden state space isn't fixed, the log-likelihood can be arbitrary close to 0.