
Results 63 comments of lemon24

Deploying 1.0 doesn't seem to fix it... Update: Turns out it's update_feeds()'s fault; see #164 for details.

Possibly related: http://www.詹姆斯.com/blog/2006/06/encoding-rss-titles

OK, looking at the OptionParser instances used in the example above, I saw that they have allow_interspersed_args set to False (used to "to implement nested subcommands safely", which makes sense)....

2024 implementation notes: * We probably want [change_feed_url()](https://reader.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#reader.Reader.change_feed_url) to set Entry.source with the details of the old feed, if the entry does not already have a source (in this case,...

A few quick thoughts on how re-implementing sanitization would work: * (optional) add a .sanitized flag to data objects, default false, feedparser true * (optional) add a "before entry update"...

The parser internal API is now documented (although still unstable): https://reader.readthedocs.io/en/latest/internal.html#module-reader._parser I added an HTTPX example at the end: https://reader.readthedocs.io/en/latest/internal.html#parsing-a-feed-retrieved-with-something-other-than-reader Closing.

Related comment: https://github.com/lemon24/reader/blob/836ff81cf68343b415fb4956d8c69266120f3269/src/reader/_update.py#L460-L461 Misc thoughts: * Ideally, this should be a plugin. * To allow plugins to handle this, we likely need to expose additional info to after_feed_update_hooks – old...

@zifot, that's actually a great idea, thank you! I think it's doable right now with tags: ```python def after_feed_update(reader, feed, ...): # runs for each feed new_url = is_permanent_redirect(feed, ...)...

We have conflicting interests, so it's likely time to address https://github.com/lemon24/reader/issues/254#issuecomment-938146589: > ... this tri-state of important (true, false and modified, false and not modified) is a bit confusing (or...

The current state as described above impossible to satisfy all the interests. Adding a third flag for "don't care" would even complicate things further. Even worse, its meaning overlaps with...