umi-plugin-apollo icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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Apollo graphql plugin for umi


NPM version

Umi plugin for apollo graphql client.


$ yarn add umi-plugin-apollo    # OR npm install --save umi-plugin-apollo


Having setup the umi-plugin-react, add the umi-plugin-apollo plugin:

// .umirc.js

export default {
  plugins: [
    ['umi-plugin-react', {
      routes: {
        exclude: [
      // other umi-plugin-react options
    ['umi-plugin-apollo', {/*
      uri: '',
      mock: true,
      hooksImportFrom: 'react-apollo-hooks',
      options: 'path/to/options/file',



name type default
uri string (required in production) process.env.GRAPHQL_URI
mock string (optional) process.env.MOCK
hooksImportFrom `'react-apollo-hooks' 'react-apollo'`
options string (optional) ./options/apollo.js

Options file

You can create an options file that will be used to customize the creation of ApolloClient. Define this file on the options field in the plugin options:

// .umirc.js
export default {
  plugins: [
    ['umi-plugin-apollo', {
      options: 'path/to/options/file',

This file can define the following fields:

// path/to/options/file.js'

export const cacheOptions = {

export const httpLinkOptions = {

export const stateLinkOptions = {

export const extraLinks = [

export const clientOptions = {

export const providerOptions = {

export const makeCache = undefined; // : ({ cacheOptions }) => Cache
export const makeHttpLink = undefined; // : ({ clientStateLink, remoteLink, httpLinkOptions }) => ApolloLink
export const makeClientStateLink = undefined; // : ({ resolvers, defaults, cache, typeDefs, stateLinkOptions }) => ApolloLink
export const makeLink = undefined; // : ({ clientStateLink, remoteLink, extraLinks }) => ApolloLink
export const makeClient = undefined; // : ({ link, cache, clientOptions }) => ApolloClient
export const makeProvider = undefined; // : ({ client, providerOptions }) => ReactElement (eg: ({ children }) => <ApolloProvider client={client}>{children}</ApolloProvider)

Please, check this example.


$ umi generate apollo:page user/index


└── src/
    ├── pages/
        ├── user/
            ├── index.css
            ├── index.js
            ├── schema.js
            └── resolvers.js


Run yarn start (or npm start) then navigate to http://localhost:8000/user.

Under the hood

Check the generated files on src/pages/.umi/apollo.
