David Himmelstrup

Results 246 comments of David Himmelstrup

> Videos in embeds are unfortunately not possible (ie. Only Discord can set the video field within an embed) > ![https://i.imgur.com/89Cv9hr.png](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/66ad5f914763f239762f380dfe019b7c8c2462d6/68747470733a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f383943763968722e706e67) > > The best you'll get is upload it...

You could use Data.Compact: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/compact- ```compactSize IO Word```

You're not closing any of the databases so maybe you're running out of file descriptors. Try changing the ulimit and run it again. On Wednesday, June 4, 2014 at 1:06...

I defer all judgement regarding the remote backend to @stepcut.

This is the same as swapping, isn't it? I don't think it can be done without killing the performance.

It seems something went wrong with the 106th checkpoint. The size of the state went from ~50MB to >21GB. Perhaps you have an infinite structure in your state? Try deleting...

No, multiple checkpoints can be written to the same file. If you run 'createArchive' directly after 'createCheckpoint' then the checkpoint file should only contain a single state snapshot.

The encoder would allocate a minimum of something like 32KB which would kill performance for small events. Copying small objects yielded a more than 10x speed improvement but it's not...

We could add a 'reallyUnsafeUpdate' function which would make the result immediately available without waiting for serialization. This wouldn't work for the Remote backend, obviously. And God have mercy on...