lem copied to clipboard
Lem breaks terminal colors on exit
Here is a demo:
It seems that there is no portable way to restore terminal's default colors. (ref. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36051061/color-not-ended-in-curses )
One altenative way is to write your terminal's default color codes in ~/.lem/init.lisp as follows.
;; set ansi 256 colors
;; (ref. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#Colors )
(when (= charms/ll:*colors* 256)
(lem.term:term-set-color 0 #x00 #x00 #x00)
(lem.term:term-set-color 1 #x80 #x00 #x00)
(lem.term:term-set-color 2 #x00 #x80 #x00)
(lem.term:term-set-color 3 #x80 #x80 #x00)
(lem.term:term-set-color 4 #x00 #x00 #x80)
(lem.term:term-set-color 5 #x80 #x00 #x80)
(lem.term:term-set-color 6 #x00 #x80 #x80)
(lem.term:term-set-color 7 #xc0 #xc0 #xc0)
(lem.term:term-set-color 8 #x80 #x80 #x80)
(lem.term:term-set-color 9 #xff #x00 #x00)
(lem.term:term-set-color 10 #x00 #xff #x00)
(lem.term:term-set-color 11 #xff #xff #x00)
(lem.term:term-set-color 12 #x00 #x00 #xff)
(lem.term:term-set-color 13 #xff #x00 #xff)
(lem.term:term-set-color 14 #x00 #xff #xff)
(lem.term:term-set-color 15 #xff #xff #xff)
(let ((code (vector #x00 #x5f #x87 #xaf #xd7 #xff)))
(loop :for i :from 0 :to 215
:for r := (aref code (mod (floor i (* 6 6)) 6))
:for g := (aref code (mod (floor i 6) 6))
:for b := (aref code (mod i 6))
:do (lem.term:term-set-color (+ i 16) r g b)))
(loop :for i :from 0 :to 23
:for c := (+ (* i 10) 8)
:do (lem.term:term-set-color (+ i 232) c c c))))
Lem uses this color table to get color index from rgb. (ref. https://github.com/cxxxr/lem/blob/0ada0951c47817964e6994b1e76b559f9859447d/frontends/ncurses/term.lisp#L341 )
I don't know your terminal's default colors (and also how many colors are supported) . So, the above color codes might need to be changed.
But how does GNU Emacs manages to do this when I running it in the terminal?
Probably, there is some way we just not know about it???
Uhm, as a non-portable way, tput init
command might reset terminal colors.
(ref. https://superuser.com/questions/317343/reset-colors-of-terminal-after-ssh-exit-logout )
If this works on your terminal,
writing the same escape sequence (you can see it by tput init | od -t x1z
to lem::*terminal-io-saved*
in *exit-editor-hook*
might also work.
(Though I don't have such environment and can't test it ...)
(ref. mouse-sgr1006 uses a similar escape sequence https://github.com/cxxxr/lem/blob/f531cc2863bbb44e0524f60abdce82c70f9c96aa/contrib/mouse-sgr1006/main.lisp#L146-L174 )
tput init
work in the standard Terminal
app on OSX. But not in iTerm2 :(
Environment variable TERM might change something.
(ref. Q: How do I get 256 color mode working in vim? https://www.iterm2.com/faq.html )
(ref. Support new "iterm2" entry from terminfo.src (2017-08-16) https://github.com/neovim/neovim/issues/7209 )
After setting 'Preferences > Profiles > Terminal > Report Terminal Type'
to xterm-256color or iterm2, tput init
works ?
This setting already was xterm-256color
And tput init
does not work in this mode.
If I set this option to iterm2
, then lem
does not start. It exits with Error opening terminal: iterm2.
And also a backspace does not work in the terminal.
The message 'Error opening terminal: iterm2.' is made by ncurses. (ref. https://github.com/mirror/ncurses/blob/47d2fb4537d9ad5bb14f4810561a327930ca4280/ncurses/base/lib_initscr.c#L95 )
This indicates that your terminfo database doesn't have iterm2 entry.
I will search how to update it on Mac OSX.
(Similar issue ? https://trac.macports.org/ticket/56873?cversion=0&cnum_hist=10 )
Or another approach is to change frontends/ncurses/term.lisp .
Lem changes terminal color here. https://github.com/cxxxr/lem/blob/0ada0951c47817964e6994b1e76b559f9859447d/frontends/ncurses/term.lisp#L43-L314
Change call-init-color to nil.
Change init-colors function to same as your terminal color setting. (this is required to search color index by Lem.)
It might work ...
Ok, I'll try. By the way, I already tried to remember original colors in term-set-color
and to restore them on exit. But this did't work for some reason.
Use the oc
/orig_colors terminfo capability. This should be provided by most sane terminals providing initc
(this naturally excludes urxvt; few useful things are portable in the terminal world).
tput init
in any case is definitely not what you're looking for, as it outputs the is*
initialization strings rather than the rs*
reset strings (use tput reset
see man terminfo
for details