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invalid sql generated with char column type

Open thehesiod opened this issue 3 years ago • 21 comments

If you create an AST with a column like:


it will serialize to "char"(20) which is invalid sql. It should just be char(20)

thehesiod avatar Jul 29 '21 17:07 thehesiod

I think char is special:

$ pgpp -tS "create table foo (bar char(20))"
[{'@': 'RawStmt',
  'stmt': {'@': 'CreateStmt',
           'if_not_exists': False,
           'oncommit': {'#': 'OnCommitAction',
                        'name': 'ONCOMMIT_NOOP',
                        'value': 0},
           'relation': {'@': 'RangeVar',
                        'inh': True,
                        'location': 13,
                        'relname': 'foo',
                        'relpersistence': 'p'},
           'tableElts': ({'@': 'ColumnDef',
                          'colname': 'bar',
                          'generated': '\x00',
                          'identity': '\x00',
                          'inhcount': 0,
                          'is_from_type': False,
                          'is_local': True,
                          'is_not_null': False,
                          'location': 18,
                          'storage': '\x00',
                          'typeName': {'@': 'TypeName',
                                       'location': 22,
                                       'names': ({'@': 'String',
                                                  'val': 'pg_catalog'},
                                                 {'@': 'String',
                                                  'val': 'bpchar'}),
                                       'pct_type': False,
                                       'setof': False,
                                       'typemod': -1,
                                       'typmods': ({'@': 'A_Const',
                                                    'location': 27,
                                                    'val': {'@': 'Integer',
                                                            'val': 20}},)}},)},
  'stmt_len': 0,
  'stmt_location': 0}]

and indeed:

$ pgpp -S "create table foo (bar char(20))"
  bar char(20)

lelit avatar Jul 29 '21 18:07 lelit

ya it's special, I'm guessing it's an internal alias of some sort. Here's what happens via psql:

localhost user@db=# create temp table foo(bar char(20));
localhost user@db=# \d foo
                  Table ""
 Column |     Type      | Collation | Nullable | Default 
 bar    | character(20) |           |          | 

thehesiod avatar Jul 29 '21 18:07 thehesiod

ya check here: there's a list of aliases, and it appears there are at least two levels: char -> character -> bpchar

thehesiod avatar Jul 29 '21 18:07 thehesiod

so i guess the question is when constructing statements from AST, do you have to use the low-level types (in which case it should probably assert for invalid types), or can you use the high level types to preserve information. Otherwise you'd have information loss because you could never preserve the fact that the column is char/character/etc.

thehesiod avatar Jul 29 '21 18:07 thehesiod

We cannot raise an exception, because we do not have access to a catalog, so we cannot determine whether the type is valid or not, it could really be a custom type, for example introduced by an extension.

lelit avatar Jul 29 '21 20:07 lelit

perhaps then it needs to natively recognize pg aliases?

thehesiod avatar Jul 29 '21 20:07 thehesiod

Maybe, yes: that bpchar speciality could be generalized. What about starting to collect such aliases?

lelit avatar Jul 30 '21 06:07 lelit

is this what you're looking for?

localhost user@db=# \dTS+
                                                                                                                                             List of data types
   Schema   |             Name              |         Internal name         | Size  | Elements |         Owner         | Access privileges |                                                                          Description                                                                           
 pg_catalog | aclitem                       | aclitem                       | 12    |          | postgres              |                   | access control list
 pg_catalog | "any"                         | any                           | 4     |          | postgres              |                   | pseudo-type representing any type
 pg_catalog | anyarray                      | anyarray                      | var   |          | postgres              |                   | pseudo-type representing a polymorphic array type
 pg_catalog | anyelement                    | anyelement                    | 4     |          | postgres              |                   | pseudo-type representing a polymorphic base type
 pg_catalog | anyenum                       | anyenum                       | 4     |          | postgres              |                   | pseudo-type representing a polymorphic base type that is an enum
 pg_catalog | anynonarray                   | anynonarray                   | 4     |          | postgres              |                   | pseudo-type representing a polymorphic base type that is not an array
 pg_catalog | anyrange                      | anyrange                      | var   |          | postgres              |                   | pseudo-type representing a polymorphic base type that is a range
 pg_catalog | bigint                        | int8                          | 8     |          | postgres              |                   | ~18 digit integer, 8-byte storage
 pg_catalog | bit                           | bit                           | var   |          | postgres              |                   | fixed-length bit string
 pg_catalog | bit varying                   | varbit                        | var   |          | postgres              |                   | variable-length bit string
 pg_catalog | boolean                       | bool                          | 1     |          | postgres              |                   | boolean, 'true'/'false'
 pg_catalog | box                           | box                           | 32    |          | postgres              |                   | geometric box '(lower left,upper right)'
 pg_catalog | bytea                         | bytea                         | var   |          | postgres              |                   | variable-length string, binary values escaped
 pg_catalog | "char"                        | char                          | 1     |          | postgres              |                   | single character
 pg_catalog | character                     | bpchar                        | var   |          | postgres              |                   | char(length), blank-padded string, fixed storage length
 pg_catalog | character varying             | varchar                       | var   |          | postgres              |                   | varchar(length), non-blank-padded string, variable storage length
 pg_catalog | cid                           | cid                           | 4     |          | postgres              |                   | command identifier type, sequence in transaction id
 pg_catalog | cidr                          | cidr                          | var   |          | postgres              |                   | network IP address/netmask, network address
 pg_catalog | circle                        | circle                        | 24    |          | postgres              |                   | geometric circle '(center,radius)'
 pg_catalog | cstring                       | cstring                       | var   |          | postgres              |                   | C-style string
 pg_catalog | date                          | date                          | 4     |          | postgres              |                   | date
 pg_catalog | daterange                     | daterange                     | var   |          | postgres              |                   | range of dates
 pg_catalog | double precision              | float8                        | 8     |          | postgres              |                   | double-precision floating point number, 8-byte storage
 pg_catalog | event_trigger                 | event_trigger                 | 4     |          | postgres              |                   | pseudo-type for the result of an event trigger function
 pg_catalog | fdw_handler                   | fdw_handler                   | 4     |          | postgres              |                   | pseudo-type for the result of an FDW handler function
 pg_catalog | gtsvector                     | gtsvector                     | var   |          | postgres              |                   | GiST index internal text representation for text search
 pg_catalog | index_am_handler              | index_am_handler              | 4     |          | postgres              |                   | pseudo-type for the result of an index AM handler function
 pg_catalog | inet                          | inet                          | var   |          | postgres              |                   | IP address/netmask, host address, netmask optional
 pg_catalog | int2vector                    | int2vector                    | var   |          | postgres              |                   | array of int2, used in system tables
 pg_catalog | int4range                     | int4range                     | var   |          | postgres              |                   | range of integers
 pg_catalog | int8range                     | int8range                     | var   |          | postgres              |                   | range of bigints
 pg_catalog | integer                       | int4                          | 4     |          | postgres              |                   | -2 billion to 2 billion integer, 4-byte storage
 pg_catalog | internal                      | internal                      | 8     |          | postgres              |                   | pseudo-type representing an internal data structure
 pg_catalog | interval                      | interval                      | 16    |          | postgres              |                   | @ <number> <units>, time interval
 pg_catalog | json                          | json                          | var   |          | postgres              |                   | JSON stored as text
 pg_catalog | jsonb                         | jsonb                         | var   |          | postgres              |                   | Binary JSON
 pg_catalog | jsonpath                      | jsonpath                      | var   |          | postgres              |                   | JSON path
 pg_catalog | language_handler              | language_handler              | 4     |          | postgres              |                   | pseudo-type for the result of a language handler function
 pg_catalog | line                          | line                          | 24    |          | postgres              |                   | geometric line
 pg_catalog | lseg                          | lseg                          | 32    |          | postgres              |                   | geometric line segment '(pt1,pt2)'
 pg_catalog | macaddr                       | macaddr                       | 6     |          | postgres              |                   | XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX, MAC address
 pg_catalog | macaddr8                      | macaddr8                      | 8     |          | postgres              |                   | XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX, MAC address
 pg_catalog | money                         | money                         | 8     |          | postgres              |                   | monetary amounts, $d,
 pg_catalog | name                          | name                          | 64    |          | postgres              |                   | 63-byte type for storing system identifiers
 pg_catalog | numeric                       | numeric                       | var   |          | postgres              |                   | numeric(precision, decimal), arbitrary precision number
 pg_catalog | numrange                      | numrange                      | var   |          | postgres              |                   | range of numerics
 pg_catalog | oid                           | oid                           | 4     |          | postgres              |                   | object identifier(oid), maximum 4 billion
 pg_catalog | oidvector                     | oidvector                     | var   |          | postgres              |                   | array of oids, used in system tables
 pg_catalog | opaque                        | opaque                        | 4     |          | postgres              |                   | obsolete, deprecated pseudo-type
 pg_catalog | path                          | path                          | var   |          | postgres              |                   | geometric path '(pt1,...)'
 pg_catalog | pg_ddl_command                | pg_ddl_command                | 8     |          | postgres              |                   | internal type for passing CollectedCommand
 pg_catalog | pg_dependencies               | pg_dependencies               | var   |          | postgres              |                   | multivariate dependencies
 pg_catalog | pg_lsn                        | pg_lsn                        | 8     |          | postgres              |                   | PostgreSQL LSN datatype
 pg_catalog | pg_mcv_list                   | pg_mcv_list                   | var   |          | postgres              |                   | multivariate MCV list
 pg_catalog | pg_ndistinct                  | pg_ndistinct                  | var   |          | postgres              |                   | multivariate ndistinct coefficients
 pg_catalog | pg_node_tree                  | pg_node_tree                  | var   |          | postgres              |                   | string representing an internal node tree
 pg_catalog | point                         | point                         | 16    |          | postgres              |                   | geometric point '(x, y)'
 pg_catalog | polygon                       | polygon                       | var   |          | postgres              |                   | geometric polygon '(pt1,...)'
 pg_catalog | real                          | float4                        | 4     |          | postgres              |                   | single-precision floating point number, 4-byte storage
 pg_catalog | record                        | record                        | var   |          | postgres              |                   | pseudo-type representing any composite type
 pg_catalog | refcursor                     | refcursor                     | var   |          | postgres              |                   | reference to cursor (portal name)
 pg_catalog | regclass                      | regclass                      | 4     |          | postgres              |                   | registered class
 pg_catalog | regconfig                     | regconfig                     | 4     |          | postgres              |                   | registered text search configuration
 pg_catalog | regdictionary                 | regdictionary                 | 4     |          | postgres              |                   | registered text search dictionary
 pg_catalog | regnamespace                  | regnamespace                  | 4     |          | postgres              |                   | registered namespace
 pg_catalog | regoper                       | regoper                       | 4     |          | postgres              |                   | registered operator
 pg_catalog | regoperator                   | regoperator                   | 4     |          | postgres              |                   | registered operator (with args)
 pg_catalog | regproc                       | regproc                       | 4     |          | postgres              |                   | registered procedure
 pg_catalog | regprocedure                  | regprocedure                  | 4     |          | postgres              |                   | registered procedure (with args)
 pg_catalog | regrole                       | regrole                       | 4     |          | postgres              |                   | registered role
 pg_catalog | regtype                       | regtype                       | 4     |          | postgres              |                   | registered type
 pg_catalog | smallint                      | int2                          | 2     |          | postgres              |                   | -32 thousand to 32 thousand, 2-byte storage
 pg_catalog | table_am_handler              | table_am_handler              | 4     |          | postgres              |                   | 
 pg_catalog | text                          | text                          | var   |          | postgres              |                   | variable-length string, no limit specified
 pg_catalog | tid                           | tid                           | 6     |          | postgres              |                   | (block, offset), physical location of tuple
 pg_catalog | timestamp without time zone   | timestamp                     | 8     |          | postgres              |                   | date and time
 pg_catalog | timestamp with time zone      | timestamptz                   | 8     |          | postgres              |                   | date and time with time zone
 pg_catalog | time without time zone        | time                          | 8     |          | postgres              |                   | time of day
 pg_catalog | time with time zone           | timetz                        | 12    |          | postgres              |                   | time of day with time zone
 pg_catalog | trigger                       | trigger                       | 4     |          | postgres              |                   | pseudo-type for the result of a trigger function
 pg_catalog | tsm_handler                   | tsm_handler                   | 4     |          | postgres              |                   | pseudo-type for the result of a tablesample method function
 pg_catalog | tsquery                       | tsquery                       | var   |          | postgres              |                   | query representation for text search
 pg_catalog | tsrange                       | tsrange                       | var   |          | postgres              |                   | range of timestamps without time zone
 pg_catalog | tstzrange                     | tstzrange                     | var   |          | postgres              |                   | range of timestamps with time zone
 pg_catalog | tsvector                      | tsvector                      | var   |          | postgres              |                   | text representation for text search
 pg_catalog | txid_snapshot                 | txid_snapshot                 | var   |          | postgres              |                   | txid snapshot
 pg_catalog | unknown                       | unknown                       | var   |          | postgres              |                   | pseudo-type representing an undetermined type
 pg_catalog | uuid                          | uuid                          | 16    |          | postgres              |                   | UUID datatype
 pg_catalog | void                          | void                          | 4     |          | postgres              |                   | pseudo-type for the result of a function with no real result
 pg_catalog | xid                           | xid                           | 4     |          | postgres              |                   | transaction id
 pg_catalog | xml                           | xml                           | var   |          | postgres              |                   | XML content

this is from PG12. What's interesting is the quotes around char in the table above. Notice the following behavior:

localhost user@db=# create temp table foo(a "char");
localhost user@db=# drop table foo;
localhost user@db=# create temp table foo(a "char(20)");
ERROR:  42704: type "char(20)" does not exist
LINE 1: create temp table foo(a "char(20)");
LOCATION:  typenameType, parse_type.c:275
localhost user@db=# create temp table foo(a "char" (20));
ERROR:  42601: type modifier is not allowed for type "char"
LINE 1: create temp table foo(a "char" (20));
localhost user@db=# create temp table foo(a char(20));

so it seems quoted char is just for 1 char, but if you specify a length then it needs to be unquoted. So somewhat of a special case.

thehesiod avatar Aug 02 '21 21:08 thehesiod

I see, and some heuristic is already in place:

$ pgpp -S "create table foo (bar char(20))"
  bar char(20)
$ pgpp -S "create table foo (bar "char"(20))"
  bar char(20)

Going back to the original case however, the first problem is that you didn't specify the fully qualified name of the type, so in any case the machinery won't work.

lelit avatar Aug 03 '21 06:08 lelit

my point is IMO one should be able to construct an AST from aliases since you may not have a way to do that a priori. In my case I'm translating TSQL types to PSQL programmatically via AST. Otherwise I'd have to hard-code these mappings (which I have to for now), much like this library is already doing.

I'm not quite sure I understand what you're suggesting though, are you suggesting using pgcatalog.character? That won't work either because that outputs: CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS foo (column_name pg_catalog.character(10)) ON COMMIT DROP which is also invalid

thehesiod avatar Aug 03 '21 07:08 thehesiod

I meant that your


should actually be

        names=(String('pg_catalog'), String('char'),), 

Does that work?

lelit avatar Aug 03 '21 10:08 lelit


>>> import pglast
>>> from import RawStream
>>> from pglast import ast as pg_ast
>>> from pglast import enums as pg_enums
>>> column_defs=(pg_ast.ColumnDef(
...     'column_name', 
...     inhcount=0,
...     is_from_type=False,
...     is_local=True,
...     is_not_null=False, 
...     typeName=pg_ast.TypeName(
...         names=(pg_ast.String('pg_catalog'), pg_ast.String('char'),), 
...         pct_type=False, 
...         setof=False, 
...         typemod=-1, 
...         typmods=(pg_ast.A_Const(10),)
...     )
... ),)
>>> tbl_stmt = pg_ast.CreateStmt(
...     if_not_exists=True, oncommit=pg_enums.OnCommitAction.ONCOMMIT_DROP,
...     relation=pg_ast.RangeVar(inh=True, relname='foo', relpersistence='t'), tableElts=column_defs
... )
>>> RawStream()(tbl_stmt)
'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS foo (column_name pg_catalog.char(10)) ON COMMIT DROP'
$ psql -h localhost -U user -p port db
psql (13.3, server 12.7 (Debian 12.7-1.pgdg100+1))
localhost iam_commodities_admin@commodities=# CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS foo (column_name pg_catalog.char(10)) ON COMMIT DROP;
ERROR:  42601: type modifier is not allowed for type "pg_catalog.char"
LINE 1: ...TE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS foo (column_name pg_catalog...
LOCATION:  typenameTypeMod, parse_type.c:366

thehesiod avatar Aug 03 '21 18:08 thehesiod

I see. So, pglast could have a better knowledge about aliases, as you suggested. OTOH, names=(pg_ast.String('pg_catalog'), pg_ast.String('char'),) works now.

lelit avatar Aug 03 '21 22:08 lelit

sorry not following, per above it doesn't work now

thehesiod avatar Aug 04 '21 05:08 thehesiod

Strange, this works for me:

import subprocess

import pglast
from import RawStream
from pglast import ast as pg_ast
from pglast import enums as pg_enums

        names=(pg_ast.String('pg_catalog'), pg_ast.String('bpchar'),),

tbl_stmt = pg_ast.CreateStmt(
    if_not_exists=True, oncommit=pg_enums.OnCommitAction.ONCOMMIT_DROP,
    relation=pg_ast.RangeVar(inh=True, relname='foo', relpersistence='t'), tableElts=column_defs

sql = RawStream()(tbl_stmt)['psql', '-e', '-c', sql, 'foo'])

and emits


lelit avatar Aug 04 '21 05:08 lelit

remember, I'm trying to do via alias, names=(pg_ast.String('pg_catalog'), pg_ast.String('char'),),

thehesiod avatar Aug 04 '21 05:08 thehesiod

Yes, I remember :-) I already said above that pglast could have a better knowledge about aliases. But there's little difference for you, right now, to manage such aliases before creating the pglast.ast tree (ie, as you go along migrating the TSQL structure), or having such aliases taught in some way to pglast TypeName. As time permits, I will try to figure out if there is an easy way to handle aliases, but as of now I cannot see an easy path to do exactly what you are seeking in a generic way. Of course, ideas are welcome!

lelit avatar Aug 04 '21 06:08 lelit

If I were you, I'd probably build a mapping between TSQL types and pglast.ast.TypeName.

lelit avatar Aug 04 '21 06:08 lelit

ya I have one :) let me know if you want to keep this issue open then or add to some kind of backlog of yours.

my idea to do this programmatically was to build a string with the type create table foo (column_name char(10)) and pass this to parse_sql, and see what pglast spits out for the type mapping. This obviously is bad as it allows for string escaping attacks and what not.

so it seems pglast does have this information, perhaps this could be solved by exposing a helper method to do this mapping (which seems like pglast already has).

thehesiod avatar Aug 04 '21 17:08 thehesiod

Can you clarify what would you do with the result of that parse? I do not understand how that can be useful for your cause...

lelit avatar Aug 04 '21 17:08 lelit

so in my case i'd get back that char maps to (pg_ast.String('pg_catalog'), pg_ast.String('bpchar'),), and use that as the mapping

thehesiod avatar Aug 04 '21 18:08 thehesiod