In order to automate the tasks, I think it would be nice to have the feature of building and pushing docker images using githubactions.
we are in the process of changing the cluster tools (mainly job splitter) for having the support for SLURM resource manager.We went through your documentation page to check the compilation...
Data folder path is not set properly for Geant4/10.04 as you could see below: ``` -bash-4.2$ ls ../..2017b/software/Geant4/10.04-GCC-5.4.0/share/Geant4-10.4.0/data/ G4ABLA3.1 G4EMLOW7.3 G4ENSDFSTATE2.2 G4NDL4.5 G4NEUTRONXS1.4 G4PII1.3 G4SAIDDATA1.1 PhotonEvaporation5.2 RadioactiveDecay5.2 RealSurface2.1 -bash-4.2$ ls...