october30 copied to clipboard
macOS Screen Saver showing 371 Apple logos from their 2018 iPad event
October 30 Screen Saver
On October 30th, 2018 Apple held an event in New York, announcing new iPad Pros, MacBook Air and Mac mini. For the invites to the press Apple commissioned hundreds of interesting and creative logos. It feels like a waste of amazing creativity to not do anything more permanent with this art.
October 30 is a macOS screen saver (requires El Capitan or later) that randomly changes between these 371 Apple logos.
(The GIF above is just for intro. Actually logos change smoothly and more slowly.)
- Download the Screen Saver
- Right-click October30.saver and choose "Open" (otherwise macOS might not let you install it)
- Choose to Install just for your own user or everyone using the Mac
- Enjoy 🍎
Created by Jonas Lekevicius. Follow me on Twitter.
Not officially affiliated with Apple in any way. Probably infringes on a bunch of copyrights. But it’s really cool stuff, so please maybe don’t DMCA C&D me. Anyways, better download this just in case, right?