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Efficient Haskell Arrays featuring Parallel computation

Results 21 massiv issues
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* [x] Bump up the version in cabal file * [x] Any changes that could be relevant to users have been recorded in the `` * [x] The documentation has...

* [x] - `slength` * [x] - `maxLinearSize` * [x] - `size` * [x] - `snull` * [x] - `(!?)` * [x] - `(!)` * [x] - `index` * [x]...

For example: ``` [ [ 0 1 2 ] [ 3 4 5 ] ] + [ 0 1 2 ] = [ [ 0 2 4 ] [ 3...

Hello, it would be handy to have `minIndexBy`, `minIndex`, `maxIndexBy`, `maxIndex`. I adapted them from `Data.Vector` as follows: {-# INLINE minIndexBy #-} minIndexBy :: Massiv.Stream v Massiv.Ix1 a => (a...

I have two use cases in mind. The first is (limited) persistence, allowing access to raw data. The second is working with datasets, exceeding memory size by several orders of...

I believe it is almost a requirement for an array library to have support for sparse matrices, so they need to be implemented in `massiv` as well. With a little...

enhancement Either improve `unstreamIntoM` or add a separate function that can also: * return the number of elements that have been loaded * grow the array with Max and Exact...

Implement `sliceFromTo` for vectors and `extractFromTo` for higher dimensions that do not fail and wraparound on negative indices, much like numpy does it.

Recently there was a request on [dataHaskell gitter]( about creating an array in parallel, where generation of an array element depends on some of its neighbors. Here is a solution...


Similar to `deleteRegionM`, but more general function. Also will need some benchmarks. ```haskell deleteM :: (MonadThrow m, Extract r ix e, Source (EltRepr r ix) ix e, Foldable f) =>...
