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Official implementation of POODLE: Improving Few-shot Learning via Penalizing Out-of-Distribution Samples (NeurIPS 2021)


This repository contains the implementation of the paper POODLE: Improving Few-shot Learning via Penalizing Out-of-Distribution Samples.

Duong H. Le*, Khoi D. Nguyen*, Khoi Nguyen, Quoc-Huy Tran, Rang Nguyen, Binh-Son Hua (NeurIPS 2021)

TLDR: We leverage samples from distractor classes or randomly generated noise to improve the generalization of few-shot learner.


If you find our paper/code helpful, please cite our paper:

title={{POODLE}: Improving Few-shot Learning via Penalizing Out-of-Distribution Samples},
author={Duong Hoang Le and Khoi Duc Nguyen and Khoi Nguyen and Quoc-Huy Tran and Rang Nguyen and Binh-Son Hua},
booktitle={Thirty-Fifth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},


In this work, we propose to use out-of-distribution samples, i.e., unlabeled samples coming from outside the target classes, to improve few-shot learning. Specifically, we exploit the easily available out-of-distribution samples to drive the classifier to avoid irrelevant features by maximizing the distance from prototypes to out-of-distribution samples while minimizing that of in-distribution samples (i.e., support, query data). Our approach is simple to implement, agnostic to feature extractors, lightweight without any additional cost for pre-training, and applicable to both inductive and transductive settings. Extensive experiments on various standard benchmarks demonstrate that the proposed method consistently improves the performance of pretrained networks with different architectures.


1. Download datasets

  1. Download these zipped files and put them into ./data

  2. (Optional) Download pretrained checkpoints here and extract to ./results.

  3. Run init.sh to preprocess all data.

After these steps, your folder should be organized as follow:

├── cub/
    ├── resnet12/
    ├────── student_0/
    ├────── student_1/
    ├────── checkpoint.pth.tar
    ├────── model_best.pth.tar
    ├── resnet12_ssl/
├── mini/
    ├── resnet12/
    ├── resnet12_ssl/
    ├── ...
├── tiered/
    ├── resnet12/
    ├── resnet12_ssl/
    ├── ...
├── images/
    ├── n0153282900000005.jpg
    ├── n0153282900000006.jpg
    ├── ...
├── tiered-imagenet/
    ├── data/
    ├── class_names.txt
    ├── ...
├── CUB_200_100/
    ├── attributes/
    ├── images/
    ├── ...
├── split/
    ├── mini/
    ├────── train.csv
    ├────── val.csv
    ├────── test.csv
    ├── tiered/
    ├────── train.csv
    ├────── val.csv
    ├────── test.csv
    ├── cub/
    ├────── train.csv
    ├────── val.csv
    ├────── test.csv

2. How to run

To run the code:

  1. Reconfigurate argument in run.sh (please read the comment to adjust the dataset/architecture). Quick guideline:

    • To train the model, remove the option --evaluate.
    • To train the model with rotation loss, add --do-ssl.
    • Note that, knowledge distillation is done after finishing training automatically.
    • Set save_path in [resnet12 | mobilenet | wideres | ...].config to different checkpoints for simple, rot, and rot+kd baselines for example:
      • simple: set save_path to ./results/mini/resnet12.
      • rot: set save_path to ./results/mini/resnet12_ssl.
      • rot+kd: set save_path to ./results/mini/resnet12_ssl/student_1.
  2. Run bash run.sh


Our implementation is based on the the official implementation of Simple Shot and TIM.