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Feature Request - Sound Pack
Some switch appear to not have sound implemented in them when click. E.g: Parking Brake, Engine Switch, Engine Mode Selector and Knobs
Please note that this is not forceful if not possible at the moment. Link to some sounds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLA6ZTAdqb0
If you hope, we could copy the sounds from them, you've got to talk to them as they release it under the GPL3 which is not compatible with GPL2 which we use.
Also some of the sounds in the video don't seem to have an accurate sound to it....
Sound system. The cockpit seems to be a lot loud when the two engines have started during a flight(after startup and until engine shutdown) I was wondering whether this is a bug or just the wrong sound?
@merspieler Hello?
I am NOT 24/7 instant support.... so please be patient... if I, or someone else need a couple of days to replay, then you've got to wait... In the end you're not paying us and we do it in our free time, so we've got exactly zero obligations!
Regarding the sound, I don't get whats your issue...
@merspieler sorry if I offended I didn't mean to get you angry just want to check if you were there. I am aware you aren't a bot so that is why I didn't continue to say anything until you replied.
I will send you an attachment regarding my issue.
Issue = Cockpit gets louder when engines are start Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUJIa3aAyAg
If you turn on the enignes, it obvisouly gets louder.
And please always use a link with a timestamp... we can't watch 10 minutes videos just to find a 30 seconds sequence.
I agree but after the startup it gets a lot louder in that cockpit than it should and the exterior gets a bit quieter than the cockpit
EXT Power connect before and after sound: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kvSH6QC6y0 Sound = 0:11 - 0:37 Addition sound = 0:51 - 1:04
Now I'm even more confused... the video doesn't even show engine startup. What you can hear, once the acft has power, is the cooling fan.
Not sure which additional sound you mean.
My last comment was not on the startup but on actual sounds.
You mean the APPR CAT downgrade sound... I'm not quite sure, why it happens... can you find any documentation for it please.
From I've seen it happens after the aircraft boots up
Duh... that I can see too... but why? Which system is responsible?
You mean the APPR CAT downgrade sound... I'm not quite sure, why it happens... can you find any documentation for it please.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQH_ngA_smg 4:35-4:42
Yeah... that's first the AP DISC sound and then the APPR CAT downgrade sound...
I've asked for documentation... on why it happens on startup... I know why it happens in this video, that's stated in the FCOM.
just to be sure that was in regards to the ap disengage sounds without continuous warning sounds until warning button is pressed.
Then write that with the link... we can't read minds... Also, what you can not tell for the video is if the PF cancels the warning manually....
Back on the topic: BATT/EXT PWR sounds and button pressed sound
Cockpit After Engine Start: 1:20-1:50 "Cockpit sounds remain the same after startup https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytnLBAkRFQE
What do you want to say with that??? We know how to use youtube.
Closing this issue cause it's stale and doesn't really add anything specific