legion copied to clipboard
Legion monorepo, contains the legion engine, the tools, source control, build system etc...
## Summary It would be useful to be able to get deployed version of Web App from the console of the Browser. ## Current State Actually, it is not possible...
## Summary The goal is to have a mechanism on the Editor GUI to request the Governance Service for the allocation dynamic of an Editor/Runtime endpoint and Connect the Editor...
## Summary Goal is to migrate the service `Source Control` to OpenAPI using the Code Generation framework. ## Current State At the moment, the service `Source Control` is using gRPC...
timeline is based on ticks which may not be aligned with rfc3339 time - [ ] change logic of get_process_time_range to deal in ticks - [ ] change find_stream_blocks_in_range, taking...
use thread-id many threads can have the same name
name, file, line number, execution time more stats?
## Summary Open source icon for Analytics documentation ## Current State (https://legionlabsinc-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/alexandra_nemery_legionlabs_com/ET4yeA5otahOj2FzooNEB6kBoCuOWXHBADu6lrs1X4Q7dA?e=F5Ci0M) To be validated with @mad-legion ## Work Items - [ ]
## Summary Goal is to migrate the `Telemetry` service to OpenAPI using the Code Generation framework. ## Current State At the moment, the `Telemetry` service is using gRPC we need...
## Summary To start working on the plugin I need to have a network protocol. Currently it's grpc but during the M3 it will change to OpenAPI. We need to...