Sundaram Ramaswamy

Results 35 comments of Sundaram Ramaswamy

@MehdiChinoune I missed to setting `PREFIX` and `DESTDIR` earlier, thanks for fixing it! There were a couple of more issues even after all the above fixes. They're fixed in the...

@mmuetzel Done! This can be merged?

Summary of the solutions: 1. Turn off Unicode UTF-8 on Windows 2. Enable UTF-8 on GDB I find (2) to be better. Create a `.gdbinit` with `set charset UTF-8` and...

@pkulchenko You can count me in for both wishing this feature and testing it :) Although having this feature in files `require`d would be great, first getting this to work...

@pkulchenko I've zbstudio 1.30 and yes, when I type `capt`, it does show the function as completion candidate. I think I wanted showing of call tip for a user-written function...

Agreed, every time some function is "visited" (edited), it should be revisited by the parser and indexed again. It needs multi-threading, and with it comes its own problems like synchronizing...

> The documentation is unclear on this. Also what happens to (4), `t` or `nil` for `org` or `org-plus-contrib`? The main concern is improving documentation; making sure all flags/variants/args are...

Another small thing, you should perhaps add the [site's link]( to the [this project's GitHub main page](; there's a box for that next to the description. I just don't...

@Biswa96 Using PDCurses (`mingw-w64-x86_64-pdcurses`) on a CMake-based project gives a linker error though: ``` sh cmd.exe /C "cd . && C:\apps\msys64\mingw64\bin\c++.exe -g CMakeFiles/Puyo_exe.dir/src/main.cpp.obj CMakeFiles/Puyo_exe.dir/src/graphics.cpp.obj -o puyo.exe -Wl,--out-implib,libpuyo.dll.a -Wl,--major-image-version,0,--minor-image-version,0 C:/apps/msys64/mingw64/lib/libpdcurses.dll.a -lkernel32...

@GitMensch Thanks for the tip. Basically `PDF_FORCE_UTF8` does the trick. However, two counter points: 1. PDCurses, is essentially a curses library, most applications wanting a curses library include `curses.h` -...