Frank Bravo
Frank Bravo
I will check for any warnings/errors and run with the flags as outlined.
@BeyondEvil I believe I have found the issue and it has to do with `` and including the `-n` flag. When I leave this flag out the results are as...
@LaserPhaser is this library no longer being attended to?
@LaserPhaser do you have any suggestions on what I might review to determine if this is an issue with this library or Pycharm? - Python 3.12.1 - pytest-messenger 3.3.0 -...
Pytest-slack not Posting to Slack channel when using Pycharm Most of the details are above.
@LaserPhaser I created a new repo and invited you as a collaborator. It contains a simple test and a `pytest.ini`. When I run the test from the cmd-line, a Slack...
@LaserPhaser - I might be way off here, but I think the issue with using Pycharm's Run option lies within this Pytest hook `@pytest.hookimpl(hookwrapper=True) def pytest_terminal_summary(terminalreporter, exitstatus, config):` Since the...