Jason Turner

Results 142 comments of Jason Turner

Thank you for the clarification. Just as an fyi, this is the source of my confusion https://github.com/ChaiScript/ChaiScript/blob/develop/include/chaiscript/language/chaiscript_eval.hpp#L238 It really should never be executing any kind of function at all if...

I'm sorry to just now be getting to this issue. Is it still presenting a problem for you?

If you use `use()` from C++ or ChaiScript, then the file is only ever evaluated once. If you use any other method of evaluating script, then the engine does what...

You can `get_state`/`set_state` to save and restore the state, which is probably what you want? https://codedocs.xyz/ChaiScript/ChaiScript/classchaiscript_1_1ChaiScript.html#aa19f395650cefe2e0245b931fcaeea86

I do intend at some point to properly implement the ability to replace an existing function that's been previously declared. it seems like a reasonable solution to me.

See also guard error during object method calls: http://discourse.chaiscript.com/t/guard-error-with-multiple-classes-having-the-same-method-name/258/3

I think you are on the right track with adding your conversion to bool. I recently (0d4a99af82d8cb077ed71a0fbbe703d027affa3e) fixed a bug that allowed conversions to `bool` in conditionals. Are you using...

oh, it might actually be the `!` that is throwing it off. Can you easily test without first negating it? swapping the logic of your `if`/`else`?

I believe we have a combination of things going on. The first is that I don't see any current tests for directly exposing a `std::function` as the member of a...

huh, I was not able to in my tests... interesting. I'll be sure to check what you are doing.