Why not extend the 'maxFiles' field on Android? Such a user-friendly third-party library, Android Multi Choice cannot control the number of pages, which is too regrettable. Expanding it should not...
[Unknown process name] CGBitmapContextCreateImage: invalid context 0x281fa4cc0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable. 断点崩溃在该方法中: UIImage *YBIBSnapshotView(UIView *view) { UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(view.bounds.size, YES, [UIScreen mainScreen].scale); [view drawViewHierarchyInRect:view.bounds...
[Unknown process name] CGBitmapContextCreateImage: invalid context 0x281fa4cc0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.