prediction copied to clipboard
can't produce summary stats for svyglm objects
The documentation claims to be able to handle svyglm
models from the survey library, and indeed, the prediction()
does calculate point estimates and standard errors. However, the library seems unable to summarise these results. Here is an example based on an example in the svyglm
function documentation.
dstrat<-svydesign(id=~1,strata=~stype, weights=~pw, data=apistrat, fpc=~fpc)
api.reg <- svyglm(api.stu~enroll, design=dstrat)
p1 <- predict(api.reg, type = "response", = T)
p2 <- prediction(api.reg)
When I run this in R 3.6.3 on a macOS Mohave 10.14.4 I get
Prediction SE z p lower upper 621.5 NA NA NA NA NA