Thomas J. Leeper

Results 135 comments of Thomas J. Leeper

@peterblair You can definitely try pulling an older version of tabulizerjars; the versions are all available as releases on GitHub and they are numbered to align with tabula-java release numbers,...

It seems possible something is not getting cleared. Have you been able to identify at all where the issue is coming from specifically?

What does `out` look like? (e.g., can you show `str(out)`? It seems like the extraction is working, but the format isn't exactly what you're looking for. You might try modifying...

Try with `devtools::install_github("ropensci/tabulizerjars")` and then `devtools::install_github("ropensci/tabulizer")`

@khun84 Yes, you can specify the page number twice, along with the area (or use the `extract_areas()` function to specify those areas interactively). So something like `extract_areas(file, pages = c(1,1))`....

Yes, please send a PR!

You want to invoke the `pages` argument here. The meaning of `NULL` in `areas` is not to skip the page, but to apply the autodetection to the whole page (rather...

Okay, I assume the issue is something to do with how tabulizer runs the file through [`localize_file()`]( Do you know what your shiny app gives as the value of `inFile$datapath`?

@abhivedula You can't use `extract_areas()` in a shiny app because it is a shiny app. If you want to use the underlying functionality, pass input to `extract_tables()`.