Leela Gangavarapu
Leela Gangavarapu
- currently there's nothing inbuilt which can achieve what you want - we only support taints & tolerations for nodeplugin and server pods - placements of operator and provisioner is...
> Considering our speed of changes have reduced, we can consider changing this. - Arm builds might add at-least 2 hrs to every merge - It's better to have a...
there are multiple issues mentioned in this single thread and it's a bit confusing to focus on what to look at first, I'll try to answer in my capacity >...
> we can't set up an asynchronous acknowledgement of changes? - not possible, it's kinda set in stone architecture for gluster > it's same with other solutions. - you mean...
Performance is a grey area and your requirements to achieve near disk level speeds w/ an sds solution isn't something I have come across often. I heard weka.io offers great...
- need to re-look if only we could implement the owner references so that gc collects csi provisioner when operator gets deleted
will track in #948
`log-level=INFO` is for gluster and `verbose=yes` in operator env is logging the debug msg. Yes, original issue is fixed and released.
#949 might already have fix for this, could you pls mention your version?
pls update to [1.0.1](https://github.com/kadalu/kadalu/releases/tag/1.0.1)