cordova-plugin-transport-security copied to clipboard
Seems to ignore what I configure in plugin.xml
My config.xml contains these:
<content src="" />
<access origin="*" />
<allow-navigation href="*" />
<access launch-external="yes" origin="tel:*" />
<access launch-external="yes" origin="mail:*" />
I'm using Cordova 6.1.1. I didn't change the plugin.xml file for this plugin.
My info.plist comes out like this:
So it looks like this plugin is not affecting the info.plist. Also I see that Cordova has an ios_parser.js that seems to set these keys. Is this plugin still usable with Cordova 6? How can I get rid of the NSExceptionDomains that Cordova seems to create on my domain?
I reproduced this issue with cordova-cli 6.5.0 and cordova-ios 4.5.3 The domains I set using NSExceptionDomains in the plugin.xml file are not in the -info.plist file in XCode
Same issue here. It appears this plugin no longer works.
If it help someone to read this : Here is a plugin that works well : I juste change the type of hook from after_platform_add to before_compile