3DUNet-Pytorch copied to clipboard
cannot understand the function of code 'data_np=data_np/200.0'
in dataset_lits_train.py, def get_np_data_3d(),line44: def get_np_data_3d(self, filename, resize_scale=1): data_np = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(sitk.ReadImage(self.dataset_path + '/data/' + filename, sitk.sitkInt16)) if self.resize_scale !=1.0: data_np = ndimage.zoom(data_np, zoom=self.resize_scale, order=3) data_np = data_np.astype(np.float32) # --------不理解的地方二 data_np=data_np/200.0 #--------------不理解的地方一
i cannot understand the function of this code:'data_np=data_np/200.0',why 200 divided by 3, how do we get the parameter 200? assign at random?or other reason? Could anyone answer my question?