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With [this](https://github.com/AztecProtocol/aztec-packages/pull/7993) PR the used can specify the type of recursive verifier via a call like `std::verify_proof_with_type(verification_key, proof, public_inputs, key_hash, 1);` where `1` is a proof_type indicating honk. Protocol circuits...
For unknown reasons, [this](https://github.com/AztecProtocol/aztec-packages/pull/7946) seemingly unrelated PR more than doubles the time it takes to allocate polynomials in the `aztec_ivc_bench`. Both master and branch are constructing polys of size $2^{19}$....
Historically lookup table polynomials and other related polys have been constructed at the bottom of the execution trace. I don't know why but I assume there was some Plonk-related motivation....
In the circuit builders we add dummy gates to ensure that all polynomials have at least one non-zero element in order to avoid the point-at-infinity commitment. We're getting closer to...
Undo the constant Honk proof size work. The logic of the Honk provers/verifiers was updated in [this](https://github.com/AztecProtocol/aztec-packages/pull/6954) PR to produce constant proof sizes and constant sized recursive verifiers. This was...
All of the the tests that run ClientIvc on noir "fold" programs have been preemptively disabled due to expected intermittent failure issues related to those seen elsewhere. (I never actually...
Its inconvenient both for development and in practice to have a single set of fixed block sizes for the structuring. It would be nice for the structuring to be more...
The circuit size (required as a witness FF in the ZM recursive verifier) cannot be extracted from the transcript as an FF (bigfield) in the ECCVM recursive verifier. It is...
`batch_mul` may fail with only one input and this case can get hit unintentionally due to handling of points at infinity.