The op queue aggregation or `Merge` protocol is responsible for proving proper aggregation of the op queue contributions of a single circuit with the previous aggregate op queue. This is...
In each GUH proof, we do a "zero check" on the op queue transcript polynomials T_i. In turns out that we also need to do a similar check on the...
Noir has a hard coded +1 offset in the witness index used to explicitly describe gates via acir. This was meant to account for the historical fact that a const...
Hook up Goblin recursion properly in ACIR land
In noir/acir, `Expression` is a struct that holds an arbitrary number of simple quadratic and linear terms. On the bberg-acir side, it has the same form but there is an...
From issue made by Zac in aztec-packages: ECCVM prover/verifier uses a workaround for points at infinity that will not work in the recursive setting. Change composer to never produce points...
TLDR: the op queue and the interactions around it are a mess. As part of the "avoid zero commitments" issue, we add "mock" (arbitrary) ecc ops to GU circuits in...
The goal is to make ClientIvc more flexible and intuitive, primarily through making recursive folding verification an internal component to the class. E.g. given 10 circuits in `circuits,` I'd like...
The Honk recursive verifier is incomplete in the sense that there is no logic for "accumulating" the set of G1 points that constitute the input to a pairing check, i.e....
The code in `barretenberg/dsl/acir_format/recursion_constraint.hpp/cpp` is used to translate a recursive verification op code in noir/acir to a Plonk recursive verification in a bberg circuit. There is also relevant logic in...