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Handle unread records and mark them as read with Ruby on Rails

Results 20 unread issues
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This PR optimizes `.mark_as_read!` to be roughly one query for collections and for relations. Implements > Partly done by #93 - an optimized "one query" solution for scopes is still...

In my view I have the following line of code: `chat.messages.unread_by(@current_identity).length` However this results into the following error: ``` ActionView::Template::Error (PG::UndefinedFunction: ERROR: operator does not exist: integer = uuid LINE...

I am facing "wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 0)" issue while using acts_as_reader in the User model on saving the user like user.save!

When I try to mark a post as read I get this error message from the rails console. `post2.mark_as_read! for: current_user` ``` Traceback (most recent call last): 1: from (irb):6...

I noticed that doing `mark_ass_read! :all, for: current_user` does not work, but `mark_as_read! for: current_user` works fine. I'm not sure if i'm doing anything wrong, but when i run it,...

Hey! I have the following models ``` class User < ApplicationRecord acts_as_reader end ``` ``` class Conversation < ApplicationRecord has_many :comments, dependent: :destroy, as: :commentable acts_as_readable on: :created_at end ```...

I saw the author wrote `Hint: You should add a database index on messages.created_at.`, which I've tried but performance is still very very slow right now. Maybe i'm misunderstanding it....

Currently, when a new user(reader) is created, all messages (readables) created before that point in time will be marked as read. It can only be disabled by overriding the `setup_new_reader`...

Currently there is only a .unread? method which means to determine if something is read you need to do !thing.unread(current_user). Would it be a good idea to add a .read?(current_user)...

I'm noticing in development ReadMark.readable_classes is nil. It's not till I made a related call that it got defined with User as a readable type. ``` ReadMark.readable_classes => nil User.first.have_read?(Article.last)...