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Manage settings with Ruby on Rails

Results 24 rails-settings issues
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Going by the README, I did try this - ``` has_settings do |s| s.key :notifications, :defaults => { :email_frequency => "7" } end ``` When I do `User.find(9).to_settings_hash`, I do...

this does not work yet, its a reference to https://github.com/ledermann/rails-settings/issues/83

Allows to set Proc as defaults. See example in Readme.

The consecutive use of the `has_settings`-macro in a class hierarchy along with the `persistent: true`-option produces (more or less) unexpected behavior concerning the `default_settings`-hash. Given the following setup you would...

Any workaround to get delete working with rails admin gem. Its trying to find relation but breaks `undefined method `constantize' for nil:NilClass`

* What were you trying to do? ``` post_ids: SelectField.with_options( multiple: true, collection: Post.ids ) ``` * What did you end up with (logs, or, even better, example apps are...

Are there any examples of managing settings in active admin?

example: default settings with this hash **has_settings do |s| s.key :conecction, :defaults => { :user => '', :password => '' } end** it's working perfectly, but if I use a...

The available [scopes](https://github.com/ledermann/rails-settings/blob/master/lib/rails-settings/scopes.rb) currently allow querying records which do/do not have settings of a specific type. How could we retrieve all records where a specific setting matches the supplied value,...