drafting icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
drafting copied to clipboard

Ruby gem for saving drafts of ActiveRecord models

Results 4 drafting issues
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Hi there. With my model that I would like to have drafts, i also have some active storage attachments. Any suggestions how to deal with them, as they can't be...

I have upgraded my application to rails 4.2.9. Now when I try to restore any saved draft then it throws following error: NameError - uninitialized constant ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQL::OID::Identity: activesupport (4.2.9) lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:533:in...

Marchall data dump - load cycle is not useful on debug.

Hi 👋 This feature allows developers to add anything they would like **on** the drafts. An example would be to label their draft. Rails store is opted to store these...