extension copied to clipboard
Incorporate standard receive modal for inscriptions
We're currently trying to fit a lot / too much into one modal for inscription deposits:
We'd also like to display the full address so the user doesn't have to trust just the copy-to-clipboard functionality.
We should break the current modal into two modals shown sequentially after the user selects "Ordinal inscription" from the "Add collectible" modal:
- Informative modal that indicates where the user can inscribe (Gamma, Ordinalsbot) and warns only to deposit inscriptions, with a "Proceed" button
- Standard receive modal with QR code and full address displayed, with "Copy to clipboard" button
As we tackle this flow, let's also clarify that:
- We regenerate this address each time for privacy purposes
- It's okay to deposit multiple inscriptions into each address shown (i.e. they won't get lost, and you'll be able to see and send all of them from the wallet)
Additionally, we may want to add an option to either A) regenerate the address (for privacy ๐ต๏ธ) or B) reuse the same address (for social sharing ๐จโ๐ฉโ๐งโ๐ง). Though it deserves more team discussion first.
We should also probably provide an easy way to view previously shown addresses from this flow, even if it's a simple list, as we figure out a more integrated solution for browsing addresses by type in the wallet.
@mica000 when you get to this issue, let's discuss whether it's worth taking on all of the above at the same time or decomposing further.
@markmhx, Had to change a bit the design of the current modal so that everything can fit. The past design had a lot of space being unused.
The new design now can handle:
- Notification
- Descriptive Text
- Wallet type
- CTA to recover past addresses (Ordinal use case)
Updated designs: https://www.figma.com/proto/OSQocEEJnfcMkniEl8u3U8/%231483---Initial-Bitcoin-support?page-id=1065%3A45572&node-id=1182%3A64629&viewport=855%2C674%2C0.1&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=1182%3A64633
Looking good! Assigning back though since I've added some Figma comments, and it seems the list of all Taproot addresses is missing from the set?
@edu-stx @markmhx
Here is the newest user flow: https://www.figma.com/file/OSQocEEJnfcMkniEl8u3U8/%231483---Initial-Bitcoin-support?node-id=1182-64633&t=KrrJ8n7OQXEcbt9x-4
Components can be seen here: https://www.figma.com/file/Li7qK8ZIG9c5dKSNOPO4iCtv/%E2%9D%96-Design-System?node-id=4147-13824&t=PA1PRhKz9ZYKpsRf-4