Hey Matt, is this still something that's making life hard for you? I haven't had time to approach creating a configurable property for this, but I will if you need...
Okay, I am going to stop thinking about this again, then. Too many things! :) Ping me if you want to revisit.
I apologize for the slow response. I am working through a backlog. This PR is probably awesome but I can't approve it until I can do a proper context shift....
I took the changes that @marcoroth made and stuck them into a PR in the hopes of getting this resolved quickly. There's two open questions on the PR readme and...
I just wanted to follow up and ask if anything came of this investigation? Otherwise, I'm going to close this ticket soon, okay?
Just to follow-up, did you ever track down what was causing your snake case keys to become dasherized? I wasn't able to reproduce this behaviour on master; `self.payload = {"foo_bar"...
I'd love to see this implemented, so **bump**. One thing that I'd strongly suggest is that such an "after" callback fire even if no changes are performed. We're currently dealing...
Building on @StefanJelner's solution - while acknowledging that I'm hoping for an outcome where a callback fires after processing even if there are no changes - is it fair and...
I share your desire; it would be nice. In fact, I'm implementing a comparison concept in a library that uses morphdom right now. Thing is, I would rather have morphdom...
Hey, Tim! Including a sample controller is a good idea - but have I not already [done so in the README](https://github.com/leastbad/jquery-events-to-dom-events#mutation-first)? Your controller is also somewhat implementation-specific. That is, many/most...