Karl Stanton
Karl Stanton
I submitted a pull request. But I would love to understand this some more from your documentation. _The callback URL handler will at its minimum need to implement the following...
I understand the stub server, though this is where the documentation gets fuzzy, as the options object never gets to have the .exchange method applied in your example and test...
Yeah, I don't think that ever gets called. Could this be related? https://github.com/Pomax/node-flickrapi/issues/50
Confirmed. Thanks for your time on this.
Hey, I admit the documentation was a little light. I came into using this package as a quick way to auth with Flickr and use an API wrapper. I didn't...
Regarding the comment about not needing a .env file, this is where I get caught up currently. ``` [ 'Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory \'.env\'', ' at Object.fs.openSync...
Ok, I'll submit a pull request when I have something.
I'm in two minds about using habitat as a requirement for this. Your thoughts? Playing with this, where the .env is the default options, and you can override that with...
Makes sense! I'll allow you to do the honors. :)
Hey there, did you still need help with this?