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twitter-api copied to clipboard

Django Rest framework Real Time Twitter API . Fully functional twitter app with websocket api to notify and send chat in real time using django channels.


Django Rest framework Real Time Twitter API . Fully functional twitter app with websocket api to notify and send chat in real time using django channels.

FrontEnd is in React js .

React Code :

If you are in windows ,you might get error installing redis . either install that seperately or use docker image

I am using cloudinary as my image storage , so make one cloudinary account and add that too in you env file

how to run

mkdir yourfolder cd yourfolder virtualenv env source env/bin/activate git clone pip install -r requirements.txt cd twitter-api python runserver Note: private info are added in .env file so create new .env file in root add them there

.env file looks like this

SECRET_KEY=yoursecretkey email=youremail password=yourapppassword cloud_name=cloudinaryname api_key=cloudinaryapikey api_secret=cloudinarysecretkey