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issue-#10491 Allow moving with arrow keys over radio buttons in firefox
The PR fixed the accessibility issue of arrow keys not working for moving over radio buttons in Firefox.
Issue addressed
Addresses #PR# HERE
Before/after screenshots
- [#PR no]
- Description: Summary of change(s)
- Products impact: Choose from - none (for internal updates) / bugfix / new API / updated API / removed API. If it's 'none', use "-" for all items below to indicate they are not relevant.
- Addresses: Link(s) to GH issue(s) addressed. Include KDS links as well as links to related issues in a consumer product repository too.
- Components: Affected public KDS component. Do not include internal sub-components or documentation components.
- Breaking: Will this change break something in a consumer? Choose from: yes / no
- Impacts a11y: Does this change improve a11y or adds new features that can be used to improve it? Choose from: yes / no
- Guidance: Why and how to introduce this update to a consumer? Required for breaking changes, appreciated for changes with a11y impact, and welcomed for non-breaking changes when relevant.
[#PR no]: PR link
Steps to test
- Step 1
- Step 2
- ...
(optional) Implementation notes
At a high level, how did you implement this?
Does this introduce any tech-debt items?
Testing checklist
- [ ] Contributor has fully tested the PR manually
- [ ] If there are any front-end changes, before/after screenshots are included
- [ ] Critical and brittle code paths are covered by unit tests
- [ ] The change is described in the changelog section above
Reviewer guidance
- [ ] Is the code clean and well-commented?
- [ ] Are there tests for this change?
- [ ] Are all UI components LTR and RTL compliant (if applicable)?
- [ ] Add other things to check for here
After review
- [ ] The changelog item has been pasted to the