leapuvc copied to clipboard
leapuvc python extis a bug
I read the Leapuvc mannual and find the encoding of leapmotion‘s raw image is 'YUY2'. but in the python leapuvc sdk , the shape of the frame i get is (480,640,3) and the three-dimensional image can't reshape into a proper side-by-side image which has a shape of (480,640*2)。
The OpenCV Python API attempts to request the raw byte frame data, but it doesn’t work on Mac, which tries to convert the YUY2 to RGB.
Are you using a Mac?
Alternatively, it could be trying to access a different web cam hooked into your machine; if that's the case you can either unplug/disable your current webcam in the DeviceManager (on Windows). Or you can feed an incremented "Source" argument in through the constructor of the leapImageThread.